Cards (59)

  • What is economics primarily the study of?
    Human behaviour and decision-making regarding resource allocation
  • What does the term "sunk cost" refer to?
    Costs that are in the past and cannot be recovered
  • What is marginal thinking in economics?
    It compares the additional value from a little more of something to the additional cost
  • What are the basic economic concepts?
    • Relative scarcity
    • Resources (natural, labour, capital)
    • Opportunity cost
  • What does relative scarcity mean?
    It refers to the situation where resources are insufficient to satisfy all needs and wants
  • What are the types of resources in economics?
    Natural, labour, and capital
  • What is opportunity cost?
    The cost of the next best alternative use of resources
  • What does the Production Possibility Frontier (PPF) illustrate?
    • Maximum possible output an economy can produce
    • Assumes only two types of output
    • All resources are fully utilized
  • What are the three basic economic questions?
    What and how much to produce, how to produce, for whom to produce
  • What is economic efficiency?
    • Maximum output from given inputs
    • Maximizes society's wellbeing
  • What is allocative efficiency?
    Resources are used to maximize society's satisfaction
  • What is productive/technical efficiency?
    Resources produce the maximum amount possible at the lowest cost
  • What is dynamic efficiency?
    Resources are reallocated in response to changing economic circumstances
  • What is intertemporal efficiency?
    Finding the balance between future and current consumption
  • What does resource allocation involve?
    Making decisions about how scarce resources are used or distributed
  • What are the conditions for a free and perfectly competitive market?
    • Consumer sovereignty exists
    • Strong competition and absence of market power
    • Low barriers to entry
    • Homogeneous products
    • Perfect market knowledge
    • Rational consumer behavior
  • What are the types of market structures from least to most market power?
    1. Perfect competition
    2. Monopolistic competition
    3. Oligopoly
    4. Perfect monopoly
  • What is a market?
    An institution where buyers and sellers negotiate prices for goods and services
  • What characterizes a market?
    • Number of rival firms
    • Market power of firms
    • Barriers to entry/exit
    • Product differentiation and advertising
    • Level of information among buyers and sellers
  • What is a price signal?
    Market prices change, generating signals that influence economic decisions
  • What are normal profits?
    Prices set at the lowest level just high enough to justify continued operation
  • What are supernormal profits?
    Profits above normal profits, typically made in the short-term
  • What defines perfect competition?
    • Many buyers and sellers
    • Identical products
    • Strong competition
  • What is monopolistic competition?
    • Few rival producers
    • Each has a monopoly over their product
    • Competes closely with substitutes
  • What is an oligopoly?
    • Small number of businesses dominate the market
    • Exercise market power collectively
  • How do free and competitive markets promote efficient resource allocation?
    • Competitive markets lead to efficient use of scarce resources
    • Resources directed to areas of highest demand
    • Increases national output and productive capacity
  • Why is strong competition important for efficiency?
    It forces firms to cut costs and produce more efficiently
  • What is the law of demand?
    The quantity demanded varies inversely with the change in price
  • What is the income effect?
    When price increases, a greater percentage of income is required for purchase
  • What is the substitution effect?
    Buyers look for cheaper alternatives when prices rise
  • How do movements along a demand curve illustrate the law of demand?
    • Rise in price leads to demand contraction
    • Fall in price leads to demand expansion
  • What is the law of supply?
    The quantity supplied varies directly with the change in price
  • What is the profit motive?
    A higher selling price increases profits, making production more attractive
  • How do movements along the supply curve illustrate the law of supply?
    • Rise in price leads to supply expansion
    • Fall in price leads to supply contraction
  • What is market equilibrium?
    When quantity demanded equals quantity supplied for a given period
  • What happens in a market surplus?
    Supply exceeds demand, leading to excess inventory
  • What happens in a market shortage?
    Demand exceeds supply, leading to increased prices
  • How do changes in demand affect equilibrium price and quantity?
    • Increase in demand: Higher equilibrium price and quantity
    • Decrease in demand: Lower equilibrium price and quantity
  • How do changes in supply affect equilibrium price and quantity?
    • Increase in supply: Lower equilibrium price and quantity
    • Decrease in supply: Higher equilibrium price and lower quantity
  • What are non-price factors affecting demand?
    Changes in disposable income, prices of substitutes and complements, preferences, interest rates, demographics, and consumer confidence