A wide range of government strategies designed to make aggregate supply conditions more favorable for producers
What are the main objectives of aggregate supply policy?
To increase the quantity and quality of resources, productivity, lower production costs, and reduce market failure
What are the differences between AD and AS policies?
AD policies focus on demand-side issues.
AS policies focus on supply-side issues.
AD theory: 'Demand creates supply'.
AS theory: 'Supply may create demand'.
AD fixes cyclical problems; AS fixes structural problems.
AD stabilizes spending in the short term; AS improves long-term productive capacity.
What is a budgetary policy used to affect aggregate supply?
Budget outlays to improve national infrastructure, education, training, and R&D
How does skilled immigration affect aggregate supply?
It grows the size of the labor force and addresses skills shortages in an aging population
What is the purpose of trade liberalization in aggregate supply policy?
To cut tariff rates, abolish import quotas, and ease restrictions on imports and capital flows
What are the aims of aggregate supply policies?
To lift efficiency in resource allocation, improve international competitiveness, promote domestic macroeconomic stability, and support better living standards