
Cards (19)

  • What is the rule for agreement of the past participle with composed tenses?
    It involves adding an “e” or an “s” or both based on the subject and direct objects.
  • What are the 17 intransitive verbs that require agreement with the subject?
    • Devenir
    • Revenir
    • Monter
    • Rester
    • Sortir
    • Venir
    • Aller
    • Naître
    • Descendre
    • Entrer
    • Retourner
    • Tomber
    • Rester
    • Aller
    • Mourir
    • Partir
  • When does the past participle agree with the subject in composed tenses?
    Only with the 17 intransitive verbs known as DR MRS P VANDERTRAMP.
  • What is an example of a sentence where the past participle agrees with the subject?
    Elle est allée.
  • How does the past participle agree with direct objects in sentences?
    It agrees only when the direct object precedes the past participle.
  • In the sentence "La fille que j’ai vue," why is there agreement in the past participle?
    Because "la fille" is the direct object and precedes the past participle.
  • What are the direct object pronouns that cause agreement of the past participle?
    Me, te, se, le, la, nous, vous, les.
  • What happens to the direct object pronoun "la" before a vowel?
    It becomes "l’."
  • How does the agreement differ between "Elle s’est couchée" and "Elle s’est parlé"?
    In "Elle s’est couchée," there is agreement because "se" is a direct object, while in "Elle s’est parlé," there is no agreement because "se" is an indirect object.
  • Why is there an extra "e" in "Elle s’est couchée"?
    Because "se" acts as a direct object that precedes the past participle.
  • Why is there no extra "e" in "Elle s’est parlé"?
    Because "se" is an indirect object in this case.
  • What is the difference between direct and indirect objects?
    • Direct objects receive the action directly and follow the verb.
    • Indirect objects receive the action indirectly and are preceded by a preposition (often à).
  • What is an example of a direct object in a sentence?
    Je ferme la porte.
  • What is an example of an indirect object in a sentence?
    Je parle à mon père.
  • What is the rule regarding agreement with body parts in reflexive verbs?
    There is never agreement with a body part.
  • In the sentence "Elle s’est lavé les mains," why is there no agreement?
    Because "les mains" is a body part and follows the past participle.
  • In the sentence "Ils se sont brossé les dents," why is there no agreement?
    Because "les dents" is a body part and follows the past participle.
  • In the sentence "Nous nous sommes coupé les ongles," why is there no agreement?
    Because "les ongles" is a body part and follows the past participle.
  • In the sentence "Elle s’est cassé le pied," why is there no agreement?
    Because "le pied" is a body part and follows the past participle.