Asch (1951) baseline

Cards (8)

  • What was Asch's baseline study into conformity?
    Aim: to investigate if people would conform to the majority even if the answer was unambiguous eg. correct

    Procedure: lab experiment, sample - 123 males from USA, university students, used 12 group trails and 6 isolated trials = 18 total, each person in the room had to match up line A, B or C with the standard line X and say their answer aloud with the naïve participant 7th or last to answer

    group trials/critical trials: had 7 confederates and one naïve participant, (participant was naïve as they though they where taking a vision test)
  • What were the findings into Asch's baseline study?

    the overall conformity in/on all trials was 36.8%
    at least 75% conformed in 1 trial
    conformity in every trial was 5%
    and non conformity in all trials was 25%
  • evaluation of Asch's baseline study

    -lacks generalisability or population validity as there is only male participants in the study
    -high reliability as it can be easily replicated because it was a lab study
    -lacks ecological validity as it was conducted within an lab and not within real settings
    -good control over extraneous variables
    -lacks ethics as the participants were deceived and they didn't give informed consent (most likely)
  • eval of Asch's baseline study
    strength: NSI research support -> easy task but confederates got it wrong, so more likely to conform
    • participants said that they were afraid of disapproval & self conscious giving the wrong answer
    proves NSI
  • eval of asch's baseline study
    strength: ISI research support -> participants conformed when the answer was ambiguous/ got harder e.g maths problems
    difficult answer = more likely to conform
    easy answer = know their own answer
    Proves ISI
  • eval of Asch's baseline study
    counterpoint of both ISI & NSI: 1955 Asch -> difficulty distinguishing between explanations of conformity
    adding lone dissenter changes the conformity rates (decreases.. but how)
    increase in social support - decreases NSI conformity
    increasing new information - decreases ISI conformity
  • another evaluation of Asch's baseline study
    individual differences: McGhee and Tevan 1967 -> some people are more likely to conform - they are called 'nAffiliators' because they have a higher need to be liked
    • NSI might underline conformity more in others (people) = individual differences
  • final evaluation of Asch's baseline study
    weakness? : ISI & NSI working together -> when there is an unanimous group, conformity is greatest. can have both conformities together
    • cant distinguish between them - seems to criticise