Types & Explanations -> Conformity

Cards (8)

  • What is the definition of conformity?

    The change in behaviour, attitude or views, due to imaginary or real pressure by a majority influence
  • What are the 3 types of conformity?
  • How would you define 'compliance' as a type of conformity?

    The act of publicly agreeing with the majority and falls in with their views, but secretly hold views that disagree with them as to go along with the majority and not be left out. The private views do not change
  • How would you define 'Identification' as a type of conformity?

    The act of changing your views both publicly and privately to those of the majority position. This is only temporary as at times the person identifies with that specific group and their values eg. club or work. May still disagree privately
  • How would you define 'internalisation' as a type of conformity?

    The act of permanently changing your views both publicly and privately, as you genuinely accept the group norms.
  • What are the two explanations of conformity?

    Informational social influence
    normative social influence
  • What is the definition of 'Normative Social influence' (NSI)?

    The act of conforming to be liked by the majority - linked to compliance
  • What is the definition of 'Informational Social Influence' (ISI)?

    The act of conforming to be seen as right by the majority and their group norms - linked to internalisation