
Cards (23)

  • What is the main focus of the educational policy discussed in the study material?
  • What is marketisation in education?
    • Introduction of market forces
    • Consumer choice and competition among educational institutions
    • Aimed at reducing state control to raise educational standards
  • When did the process of marketisation in education begin?
    Since the 1980s
  • What are league tables in the context of education?
    Rankings of schools based on performance data like GCSE results
  • What key subjects are included in the English Baccalaureate?
    English, Maths, 2 Sciences, a modern language, History or Geography
  • What are the arguments for marketisation in education?
    • Drives up standards in schools, especially in WC areas
    • Provides a means of measuring school performance over time
    • Empowers parents with information for informed choices (parentocracy)
  • What are the arguments against marketisation in education?
    • League tables lead to cream skimming and silt shifting
    • Educational triage results in unequal support for students
    • Reduces collaboration between schools due to competition
  • What evidence supports the claim that marketisation has raised educational standards?
    OFSTED reports show an increase in good to outstanding schools
  • What is open enrolment in the context of education?
    Students can enroll at any school, even outside their catchment area
  • What are the benefits of open enrolment?
    • Drives up standards as unpopular schools must improve
    • Offers greater choice for students and parents
    • Makes schools more responsive to parental wishes
  • How do MC/Indian parents benefit from open enrolment according to Gewirtz (1995)?
    They have economic and cultural capital to make better educational choices
  • What is the myth of parentocracy in education?
    • The belief that the education system is fair and equal
    • Suggests that parents have free choices in selecting schools
    • Reality shows that inequalities persist in educational access
  • What are academies in the context of education?
    Schools that have opted out of Local Education Authority control
  • What are the arguments for academies?
    • Greater control over school operations, finances, and curriculum
    • Some have successfully turned around failing schools in WC areas
  • What are the criticisms of academies?
    • They may perpetuate inequality by focusing on high-performing schools
    • Marxists argue they legitimize profit-making in education
  • What is formula funding in education?
    Funding based per pupil, with each pupil worth a set amount
  • What are the arguments for formula funding?
    • Rewards successful schools with funding for each student
    • Provides head teachers with greater financial control
  • How does formula funding reproduce inequality?
    • Popular MC/Indian schools attract more funding and resources
    • Unpopular WC/black/Pakistani schools receive less funding and support
  • What are free schools?
    Schools set up and run by parents, teachers, or businesses independent of LEAs
  • What are the arguments for free schools?
    • Allow parents and teachers to create new schools if dissatisfied
    • Independent from local education authorities
  • What are the criticisms of free schools?
    • They may take funding away from struggling state schools
    • They fragment the comprehensive education system, complicating coordination
  • What is the conclusion regarding marketisation policies in education?
    They have raised educational standards but also reproduced social inequalities
  • How do powerful groups benefit from marketisation policies?
    They can better navigate the education system and are attractive to schools