Judaism general info

Cards (10)

  • Who is considered the founder of Judaism?
  • What is the name of the absolute in Judaism?
    Yahweh (YHWH)
  • What are the views on afterlife in Judaism according to the Sadducees and Pharisees?
    • Sadducees: You just die, no afterlife
    • Pharisees: Your body is resurrected and you live with God after
  • What are the sacred texts of Judaism?
    Torah and Tanakh
  • What is the symbol of Judaism that resembles a seven-branched candelabrum?
  • What is the symbol of Judaism that is a six-pointed star?
    Star of David
  • What are some common rituals and worship practices in Judaism?
    • Prayer in synagogue
    • Memorizing scripture
  • What are the rites of passage in Judaism?
    • Bar-mitzvah
    • Circumcision
  • What is the view on women in Judaism?
    Women have different roles that are considered separate but equal.
  • How many people follow Judaism worldwide?
    15.7 million