
Cards (10)

  • police powers
    Law Enforecement (Powers and Responsibilities) Act 2002
    Curti case 2012: tazered 14 times, 3 OC bottles, died
    "may have thought it appropriate... obviously not"
    ombudsman tazer report 2012: less lethal option, 44 recommendations
    SMH 2022: "tasers are not soft options... they can be lethal"
  • Bail
    Bail Act 1987: inconsistent, unpredictable, strict. Repealed
    Bail Act 2013: unnacceptable risk test for consistent procedures
    R v Hawi 2014: gang member got bail, outrage
    SMH 2014: "laws are skewed in favour of the accused"
    Bail Amendment Act 2014: show cause, onus of proof on defendant
    Cowdrey: "tramples presumtion of innocence"
  • Preventative detention
    Terrorism (police powers) Amendment Act 2016 (nsw) - arrest without warrant no under 14
    Criminal Code Act 1995 (Cth)- no under 16
    Constitution s109: cth law prevails
    ICCPR: right to not be subject to arbitrary detention
    2017 case: 2 16yr olds charged with conspiracy
    ABC 2017: "11th attack prevented under the new law"
    Doussa: "striking the right balance between national security and human rights is crucial"
  • Charge negotiation
    Koch case 2009 - murder reduced to malicious injury with intent
    Conversation 2012: "we need plea bargaining, just done better"
    Dip v DPP 2002: plead not guilty but accepted charge negotiation, judge denied
    Legal Aid Commission "most economic use of public resources"
  • Defense of provocation
    Crimes Act 1900: murder reduce to masnslaughter if victim aggravation
    R v Camplin 1978: established provocation for 14yr killed abuser uncle
    R v Singh 2012: 6yrs for brutally killing wife who wanted divorce
    SMH 2009: "losing provocation defence could harm abused women
    Crimes Amendment (provocation) act 2014: extreme provocation
  • Youth justice conferences
    Young offenders Act 1977: encourages YJCs and rehabilitation
    SMH 2017: "sometimes going soft on crime gets better results"
    ABS 2016: no difference in recidivism rates
    ABC 2012: "makes victims more satisfied while using less resources
  • Mandatory minimum sentences
    Crimes amendment (murder of police officers) act 2011
    Police deputy 2011: "sends a very strong message"
    R v Jacobs 2013: life for murdering police officer on the job
    R v Loveridge 2014: punched and killed man
    Crimes and other Legislation Amendment (assault and intoxication) Act 2014
    SMH 2014 "a legal and judicial muddle"
  • Doli incapax
    RP v R 2016: established doli incapax on intellect, not just age
    UN Committee on the Rights of the Child: 14 recommended
    SMH 2022: "should be raised to 14 without exception
    ABS 2021: only 1 child under 13 serving sentencing
    ABC 2022: "earlier a child enters the justice system... more likely they are to reoffend"
    R v LMV: 10yr old drowning boy, found not guilty
  • Extradition
    Extradition Act 1988: 130 country agreements
    USA v Griffiths 2021: extradited to face copyright charges
    Captain Dragan Case: hiding in Aus, war crimes, extradited to Croatia
    ABC 2017: "the cost of failing to bring Dragan to justice has been largest for the victims"
  • ICC
    ICC Act 2002
    Rome Statute 2002
    R v Ongwen 2021: 50k victims, 6yr trial, got 25 years
    ICC press release 2021: "joint sentence aknowledges victim suffering"
    ICC Coalition: "yearly budget is a fraction of the costs that make justice necessary"