Domestic Divison of Labour

Cards (30)

  • What is the domestic division of labour?
    The roles that men and women play in relation to housework, childcare, and paid work
  • What is a non-symmetrical family?
    A family where roles are not equally shared between partners
  • What is a symmetrical family?
    A family where marital roles of husbands and wives are similar, though not identical
  • What did Parsons (1955) believe about segregated conjugal roles?
    He believed they are found in traditional nuclear families with distinct roles for husbands and wives
  • What is the instrumental role in a family according to Parsons?

    The role where men act as the financial breadwinner
  • What is the expressive role in a family according to Parsons?
    The role where women act as homemakers and carers
  • What reason does Parsons give for segregated conjugal roles in nuclear families?
    He claims women are biologically suited to nurturing roles and men as providers
  • What is the 'march of progress' view regarding domestic division of labour?

    It suggests there is a move towards equality in the domestic division of labour
  • What did Sullivan (2000) find regarding joint conjugal roles?
    He found evidence of an increase in couples with joint conjugal roles
  • What are some reasons Sullivan suggested for the new symmetry in domestic roles?
    Increase in women working, commercialisation of housework, and shifting social attitudes
  • What did the British Social Attitudes Survey (2013) reveal about gender roles?
    It showed a significant decline in traditional views on gender roles from 1984 to 2012
  • What did Young and Willmott (1973) suggest about family structures?
    They suggested evidence of a move towards symmetrical families with joint conjugal roles
  • What reasons did Young and Willmott provide for the symmetry in families?
    Greater affluence and geographical mobility
  • What do feminists believe about family relationships?
    They believe family relationships are unequal and socially constructed
  • What percentage of husbands participate in housework according to Oakley (1974)?
    Only 15% of husbands have a high level of participation in housework
  • How do men typically participate in childcare according to Oakley?
    Men may help with pleasurable aspects but rarely take full responsibility
  • What did Braun et al (2011) find regarding fathers' roles in childcare?
    In only 3 out of 70 families was the father the main carer
  • What is the dual burden as described in the study material?
    It refers to women doing both paid work and unpaid domestic labour
  • What is the triple shift in the context of women's roles?
    It includes paid work, domestic work, and emotional work
  • What new responsibility do women manage as both partners work according to Southerton (2011)?
    Family 'quality time'
  • What are cultural/ideological explanations for the lack of symmetry in domestic roles?
    Patriarchy and gender scripts that dictate traditional roles
  • What evidence suggests change in domestic roles among younger generations?
    Younger men do more domestic work than their fathers, and younger women do less than their mothers
  • What is the material/economic explanation for women's domestic roles?
    Women generally earn less, making it economically rational for them to do more domestic work
  • What did Kan (2001) find regarding women's earnings and housework?
    For every £10,000 a year more a woman earns, she does 2 hours less housework a week
  • What social class differences exist in the division of labour?
    Middle class women do less housework due to the ability to buy help, unlike working class families
  • How do lesbian couples differ in their domestic roles compared to heterosexual couples?
    Lesbian couples tend to have more symmetry in their relationships
  • What issues arise from time-use surveys in studying domestic roles?
    Women often underestimate and men overestimate their time spent on domestic tasks
  • What conclusion can be drawn about gender equality in domestic roles?
    Despite moves towards greater equality, patriarchy still oppresses women
  • How does economic factors influence the domestic division of labour?
    Economic factors such as paid work significantly affect the domestic division of labour
  • What happens in same-sex relationships regarding domestic work?
    When one partner does more paid work, the time spent on domestic work is likely to be unequal