Finance & Decision Making

Cards (33)

  • What are the main types of domestic violence mentioned in the study material?

    Physical, sexual, and psychological abuse
  • What do feminists argue about men's control over financial resources?
    Men have control over financial resources, leading to women's poverty
  • How do women in low-income families often manage their needs?
    They deny themselves food and personal needs to support family members
  • What are the two main ways family income is managed according to Phal and Vogler (1993)?
    Allowance system and pooling system
  • What does the pooling system imply about financial management among couples?
    Both partners have access to a shared income
  • Why does pooling not necessarily indicate equality in financial management?
    Control over pooled money and income contributions matter
  • What did the Crime Survey for England and Wales (2013) report about domestic assaults?
    2 million reported incidents of domestic assaults
  • What percentage of violent crime is attributed to domestic violence?
  • What is the statistic regarding women assaulted by their partners?
    1 in 4 women are assaulted by their partners
  • How many women are killed each week due to domestic violence?
    2 women
  • What demographic is most affected by domestic violence?
    Most victims are working class and poor
  • What are some problems with statistics on domestic violence?
    They underestimate the problem and do not account for repeat victimization
  • Why might victims be unwilling to report domestic violence?
    Fear of reprisals or belief it is not a police matter
  • What is the conviction rate for domestic violence incidents reported to the police?
    1. 5%
  • What is the radical feminist explanation for domestic violence according to Dobash and Dobash (1979)?
    It is a product of male domination, power, and control
  • How does the radical feminist perspective view the role of domestic violence in society?
    It is a means for men to dominate women and preserve power
  • What is a limitation of the radical feminist explanation of domestic violence?
    It overgeneralizes and does not account for all men or groups of women
  • What does the materialist explanation by Wilkinson (2010) suggest about domestic violence?
    It is due to economic and material factors and social inequality
  • How does social inequality contribute to domestic violence according to Wilkinson?

    It creates stress in families with fewer resources, straining relationships
  • What do Marxist-feminists argue about domestic violence?
    It is caused by inequality and men's frustration in the capitalist workplace
  • What is a criticism of the Marxist-feminist explanation of domestic violence?
    It fails to explain why not all males are abusive
  • What do feminists argue about decision-making in couples?
    Men make major financial decisions while women make less important ones
  • What did Edgell (1980) find about decision-making in families?

    Very important decisions are largely made by men
  • What did Laurie & Gershuny (2000) discover about decision-making among couples?
    70% of couples claimed to have joint decision-making
  • What do material explanations suggest about financial resources and decision-making?
    Men's higher earnings create female economic dependency
  • How does cultural explanation relate to decision-making in couples?
    Couples are socialized to believe men should make important decisions
  • What does the 'personal life' perspective on money emphasize?
    It focuses on the meanings couples give to money control
  • How do same-sex couples view money control differently?
    They may not see it as a source of power or inequality
  • What is the typical money management system found in same-sex couples according to Weeks et al (2001)?
    Joint account for household spending and separate accounts for personal spending
  • What does the conclusion of the study material suggest about gender equality and domestic violence?
    Patriarchy still oppresses women despite moves towards equality
  • How does economic status affect domestic violence according to the study material?
    Higher income households experience less domestic violence
  • What are the key readings for further understanding of roles and power relationships in couples?
    • Webb R et al. (2015) AQA A level Sociology, Book One, Including AS, Napier press
    • Webb R & Trobe K. (2015) Succeed at A Level Sociology, Book One, Including AS, Napier press
    • Browne K. (2015) Sociology for AQA Vol 1. AS and 1st year A level, Polity Books
  • What are the sample AS and A Level questions provided in the study material?
    AS Questions:
    • Define 'segregated conjugal roles'
    • Explain how men exploit women within the family
    • Reasons why husbands make important decisions

    A Level Questions:
    • Aspects of power relationships between couples
    • Reasons for patterns of domestic violence
    • Evaluate the division of labor in couples