
Cards (12)

  • What is the definition of resistance to social influence?

    the ability of people to withstand the social pressure to conform to the majority or to obey authority
  • What is the definition of social support?

    the pressure of people who resist obedience or conformity (dissenters) can help others to do the same
  • What is a situational factor that influences resistance to social influence?

    Social support
  • What is a dispositional factor that influences resistance to social influence?
    Locus of control
  • What are some examples of social support in the social influence experiments?
    Obedience - Milgrams, Proximity - teacher acted on behalf resisted
    Conformity - Asch, Unanimity - someone else gave an incorrect answer (however temporary effect)
  • Why is social support important?

    takes away implicit pressure even if it is evidently incorrect / likely wrong
  • What is the definition of locus of control?

    personality continuum that identifies people's perceptions of personal control over their behaviour - most people fall into the middle
  • Who developed the locus of control continuum?

    Rotter - 1966
  • What does a high internal LoC believe?
    have control over one's own behaviour
  • What does a high external LoC believe?

    things turn out a certain way regardless of their actions
  • What are the factors that affect LoC?

    • Culture - upbringing values
    • Feeling forced - high internal = less obedient
  • Does LoC impact NSI or ISI?
