Social Learning Theory

Cards (11)

  • Social Learning Theory
    Bandura believed people learnt behaviour in a social context through observation of other people and the reinforcement or punishment they receive.
  • Stages of Social Learning Theory
    Vicarious Reinforcement
  • Identification
    Observer associates themselves with a role model because they idolises them and their behaviour
  • Modelling
    the process of observing and imitating a specific behaviour
  • Vicarious Reinforcement
    Imitation is more likely to occur if the model is positively reinforced for their behaviour
  • Mediational Processes
    Attention: The extent to which we are exposed/notice the behaviour.

    Retention: How well the behaviour is remembered

    Reproduction: This is the ability to perform the behaviour that the model has just demonstrated

    Motivation: The will to perform the behaviour.
  • SLT: Supporting Evidence (Strength)

    Supporting evidence from controlled research that demonstrates social learning occuring
  • SLT: Focus on Cognitive Processes (Strength)

    Emphasises role of mediational processes. This means the approach suggests people have more free will over their behaviour.
  • SLT: Cultural Differences Accounted For (Strength)

    Explains differences observed across different cultures. This adds credibility to the theory as an explanation of human behaviour.
  • SLT: Unrealistic Evidence (Weakness)

    Lacks ecological validity due to the controlled environment. This limits the conclusions that can be drawn about social learning in the real-world
  • SLT: Biological Roles Ignored (Weakness)

    Emphasises environmental impact. Doesn't account for biological factors eg. gender difference. This means it is not a complete explanation for behaviour.