Cognitive Approach

Cards (11)

  • the cognitive approach is the study of internal mental processes
  • Schema is a mental structure which contains knowledge based on experience, it organises information and acts as a guide to behaviour
  • Assumption 1:
    behaviour is influenced by thoughts that can be both conscious and non conscious
  • the human mind is an information processor, like a computer
  • cognitive scientists believe internal mental behaviour can be scientifically studied, they assume that mediational processes occur between stimulus and response
  • cognitive neuroscience is the scientific study of how biological structures of the brain and mental processes influence each other
  • cogntive neuroscience aims to explore the neurobiological basis of thought processes and disorders
  • cognitive neuroscience has emerged with improvements in technology
  • cognitive neuroscience has provided a neurobiological basis of certain psychological disorders
  • cognitive neuroscience demonstrates the role of experience in shaping the brain showing biology is not destiny
  • Neuroscience can be used to detect cognitive problems before they ar behaviourally observable, early identification for cognitive problems prior to observable behaviour has provided potential for early intervention