Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitgebers

Cards (14)

  • What is an Endogenous Pacemaker?
    Our internal body clock
  • What are Exogenous Zeitgebers?
    • External time cues that our bodies can detect and use to keep the internal clock in sync with the outside world. 
    • This process is known as entrainment.
  • What is the main Exogenous Zeitgeber?
  • What can also act as an Exogenous Zeitgeber?
    • Social Cues
    • Schedules such as set meal times and bedtimes help newborns settle into a circadian rhythm
    • Adapting to local times for eating and sleeping beats jet lag.
  • What is our Internal Body Clock?
    The Superchiasmatic Nucleus
  • What is the Superchiasmatic Nucleus?
    • A tiny bundle of nerve cells
    • Located in the hypothalamus in each hemisphere
    • Maintains circadian rhythms such as the sleep wake cycle
    • The SCN lies just above the optic chasm
    • It receives information about light even when eyes are closed
  • Describe DeCoursey et al animal study:
    • Destroyed the SCN connections in the brains of 30 chipmunks
    • They were then returned to their natural habitat and observed for 80 days
    • The sleep wake cycle of the chipmunks disappeared and by the end of the study a significant amount were killed by predators
    • Due to being awake and active when they should have been asleep
  • Describe Ralph's animal study:
    • Bred mutant hamsters with a 20 hour sleep wake cycle
    • SCN foetal tissues were transplanted into the brains of normal hamsters
    • The cycle defaulted to 20 hours
  • The Pineal Gland and Melatonin:
    • The SCN passes the information on day length and light it receives to the pineal gland
    • During the night the pineal gland increases the production of melatonin - a chemical that induces sleep and is inhibited during periods of wakefulness
  • Campbell and Murphy on Exogenous Zeitgebers:
    • Light may be detected by skin receptors even when not received by the eyes
    • 15 Ps were woken at various times and a light pad was shone on the back of their knees
    • Manages to produce a deviation in the Ps usual sleep wake cycle by up to 3 hours
  • Limitation of EZ's and EP's - Ethical Issues:
    • Animals were used to study the sleep wake cycle which could lead to their death or serious harm
    • E.g. DeCoursey et al and Ralph et al
  • Strength of EZ's and EP's - Practical Application:
    Knowledge of the importance of light in sleeping and wakefulness has lead to useful advice and products.
  • Evaluation of EZ's and EP's - Multiple body clocks:
    • Numerous cells in the body have their own circadian rhythms – known as “peripheral oscillators”.
    • They can act independently of the SCN.
    • There may be many complex influences on the sleep/wake cycle.
  • Limitation of EZ's and EP's - How important are Exogenous Zeitgebers?
    • People in the arctic regions (where the sun does not set in the summer) show normal sleep patterns.
    • Case studies such as Siffre show that we have a relatively normal sleep/wake cycle without EZs