
    Subdecks (1)

    Cards (54)

    • What is attachment in the context of emotional bonds?
      A strong emotional bond between a person and someone who cares for them
    • What are the behaviours indicating attachment?
      • Proximity seeking
      • Joy
      • Distress
      • General orientation
      • Caregiver understanding needs
    • What is reciprocity in attachment theory?
      A rhythmic form where behaviours of infant or caregiver are mimicked
    • At what age does reciprocity typically occur?
      Around 3 months
    • What is interactional synchrony?
      Where two people carry out the same action simultaneously
    • Who conducted the study on infants and caregivers in 1977?
      Meltzoff and Moore
    • How many babies participated in Meltzoff and Moore's study?
      12 babies aged 2-4 weeks old
    • What was the method used by caregivers in Meltzoff and Moore's study?
      Caregivers pulled faces at infants, and infants reciprocated actions
    • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Meltzoff and Moore's study?
      • Two observers agreed
      • Establishes cause and effect

      • Doesn't explain why the infants react this way
    • infants who have been deprived of social interaction during this period may suffer from long-term psychological problems such as depression or schizophrenia
    • Bowlby also observed that children who were adopted at a young age tended to form attachments more easily than those who were older.
    • Bowlby's theory of attachment was based on his observations of children who had experienced separation from their parents due to war or other traumatic events.
    • securely attached children have positive views about themselves and others, whereas insecurely attached children may struggle with relationships later on in life
    • Avoidant attachment is marked by a child avoiding or ignoring the caregiver, showing little emotion when the caregiver leaves or returns.
    • the first six months are crucial to the development of secure attachments, as this is when infants begin to develop their own sense of self
    • The Strange Situation is an observation procedure developed by Mary Ainsworth which assesses the quality of infant-mother attachment using standardised procedures.
    • Ainsworth found that there were three main types of attachment: secure, avoidant and resistant/ambivalent