infants who have been deprived of social interaction during this period may suffer from long-term psychological problems such as depression or schizophrenia
Bowlby also observed that children who were adopted at a young age tended to form attachments more easily than those who were older.
Bowlby'stheory of attachment was based on his observations of children who had experienced separation from their parents due to war or other traumatic events.
securely attached children have positive views about themselves and others, whereas insecurely attached children may struggle with relationships later on in life
Avoidant attachment is marked by a child avoiding or ignoring the caregiver, showing little emotion when the caregiver leaves or returns.
the first six months are crucial to the development of secure attachments, as this is when infants begin to develop their own sense of self
The Strange Situation is an observation procedure developed by Mary Ainsworth which assesses the quality of infant-mother attachment using standardised procedures.
Ainsworth found that there were three main types of attachment: secure, avoidant and resistant/ambivalent