Freud's theory suggests that we all have three parts to our personality - the id (our basic instinctual drives), ego (the rational part of us) and superego (moral conscience).
Psychodynamic therapy is based on the idea that our unconscious mind has an impact on our thoughts, feelings, and behavior.
The id is responsible for our pleasure seeking, impulsive behaviour.
The superego represents our moral values and sense of right and wrong.
The superego tries to balance between the demands of the id and ego
what's the strength of the psychodynamic approach?
The strength of the psychodynamic approach is that it shows real-world application. An example is psychoanalysis- it is the first attempt to treat mental disorders psychologically than physically. This was used to access the unconscious mind. Patients bring their repressed emotion into their unconscious mind so they can be dealt with
What's Freud'sstructure of personality is describe as?
Freud's structure of personality is described as tripartite as it's composed of 3 parts: Id, Ego and Superego
What age do the Id, ego and superego develop
Id develops since birth, Ego starts at 2 and superego starts at 7-10 years
whats's Id
Id is entirely selfish and demands instant gratification. it's the pleasure principle
whats the ego
the ego acts as a mediator between id and superego. defence mechanisms are used
whats the superego
the superego is the sense of right and wrong. it has moral standards
what are freud'spsychosexual stages?
the psychosexual stages are oral, anal, phallic, latency and genital
in the phallic stage, (3-6 years old), oedipus and electra complex develops. the phallic personality includes narcissistic and reckless
repression is unintentional burying of the problem into the unconscious mind
denial is refusing to acknowledge an aspect of reality
displacement is transferring feelings from the true source of distressing emotion onto a substitute target
we are animal driven but controlled by conformity and social norms