multistore memory

Cards (20)

  • What are the three stores of memory systems?
    Sensory, long-term, and short-term
  • What unique characteristics do memory stores have?
    Information encoding, capacity, duration, and retrieval
  • What type of sensory information does the echoic store process?
  • How long does echoic memory last?
    A couple of seconds
  • What type of sensory information does the iconic store process?
  • How long does iconic memory last?
    About one second
  • What role does attention play in memory systems?
    Attention transfers information from sensory memory to short-term memory
  • What did George and Miller (1956) find about short-term memory?
    Short-term memory is grouped and can store different types of information
  • What is the nature of information storage in short-term memory?
  • How does rehearsal affect short-term memory?
    Rehearsal allows information to be held in short-term memory for longer
  • What is the process of transfer in memory systems?
    Transfer occurs when information is rehearsed enough to move to long-term memory
  • What is the capacity of long-term memory?
    Potentially limitless
  • How does memory loss occur in the sensory store?
    Memory loss occurs when unattended information is lost
  • How does memory loss occur in short-term memory?
    Short-term memory loses unrehearsed information
  • How does memory loss occur in long-term memory?
    Long-term memory loses some information over time
  • What is one strength of the memory systems theory?
    Research support from amnesia cases shows brain damage affects long-term memory
  • What does the serial position effect (Murdock, 1962) suggest?
    People recall more words at the beginning and end of a word list
  • What is a limitation of the memory systems theory regarding rehearsal?
    The theory overstates the role of rehearsal in transferring information
  • What is another weakness of the memory systems theory?
    It assumes long-term memory is a single store, but there are likely multiple stores
  • How did Clive Wearing's case illustrate a limitation of the memory systems theory?
    He suffered damage to personal event memory while retaining piano playing memory