Plasticity and Functional Recovery

Cards (19)

  • Brain plasticity refers to the brains ability to adapt from experienced outside of the body
  • Functional recovering is the recovering of functions in the brain from a damage area after a trauma to other undamaged areas
  • Neuronal unmasking —> dormant synapses open connections to compensate for a nearby damaged area of the brain
  • Role of Hippocampus in the brain is to facilitate spatial memory
  • Why did Maguire et al use taxi drivers for their study

    Before qualifying as a taxi driver they had to memorise every road in London
  • What was the aim of Maguire’s study

    Examine whether structural change could be detected in the brains of people with extensive experience of spatial navigation
  • What was the method of Maguire et al’s study?S

    Structural MRI scans for 16 right handed taxi drivers (had been driving more than 1.5 years) and comparing them to a control group of 50 right handed normal people
  • What were the results of Maguire et al’s study?

    Correlation between time driving a taxi + volume of rear right hippocampus
  • Maguire et al’s study supports brain plasticity as it shows that extensive experience can change the structure of the brain
  • Kemperman et al (1997) studied 12 rats who were placed in cages and 12 rats who were kept in a “complex condition”
  • The complex condition included extra treats, a running wheel and items create habitats
  • Kemperman et al found that’d other the 12 rats in the experimental condition had a significant amount of extra neurons compared to the intros group - particularly in the hippocampus
  • However Kemperman et al’s study used animals and thee is issues with extrapolation
  • A lesion is an area of the brain which has suffered damage due to injury or disease which leads to the loss of of function
  • Axonal sprouting - undamaged axons sprout or grow new nerve endings to replace old ones in order to reconnect with other neurons
  • Recruitment of homologous areas - similar areas are used when an area is damaged - often the other hemisphere
  • Jody Miller
    • extreme seizures
    • had right hemisphere remove at age 2
    • fully functioning adult with some limited movement in left side of body but otherwise fine
  • E.B
    • 2.5 years old when most of left hemisphere rremove
    • initially had language problems but after 2 years was mostly normal
    • FMRI showed brain patterns for language in right hemisphere
  • Factors affecting recovery
    • age, case studies have young participants who‘s brains were more plastic
    • more educationally advanced patients have greater recovery
    • females and males recover differently based on on cognitive functions affected