experimental methods

    Cards (16)

    • laboratory experiment
      highly controlled environments
      participants are aware although they may not know the true aims of the study
    • laboratory experiment - independent variables
      controlled artificial settings --> ensure only thing manipulated is the IV and nothing alters the DV
      standardised procedures --> every participant gets the same experiment and experience
    • laboratory experiment - strengths 

      high control over extraneous variables --> researcher can ensure that effect on DV is likely to be the result of manipulation of the IV
      replication --> other researchers can repeat the experiment to check results
    • laboratory experiment - limitations 

      lack of mundane realism in the task --> less likely to have internal validity = not measuring what you intend to measure as there are participant effects in doing the task
      artificial setting --> lack of generalisability in the findings to other real life settings = low ecological validity
    • field experiment
      takes place in a natural setting within which the researcher manipulates the IV and records the effect in the DV
      can be conducted in hospital, classroom or street
    • field experiment - independent variable
      IV is still manipulated but conducted in a natural setting
    • field experiment - strengths 

      high mundane realism of the task = high internal validity
      no demand characteristics --> natural behaviour
      high ecological validity = environment is more natural
    • field experiment - limitations 

      less control = more difficult to control extraneous variables so harder to see cause of behaviour
      ethics = no informed consent
      replication = conditions are never exactly the same again so difficult to repeat the experiment to check results
    • natural experiment
      change in the IV is not brought about by the researcher but would have happened even if the researcher wasn't there.
      researcher records the effect on the DV they have decided on.
    • natural experiment - independent variable
      IV is not manipulated by the researcher - it is an already existing IV
      researcher takes advantage of pre-existing IV
      IV is a change or event that is naturally occurring
      DV is measured usually in a natural setting
    • natural experiment - strengths
      provides opportunities for researchers that may otherwise be undertaken for practical or ethical reasons
      high external validity - real life issues
    • natural experiment - limitations 

      naturally occurring events happen very rarely = reduces opportunities
      limits scope for generalising findings to other similar situations
    • quasi experiment
      examples =
      female vs male
      married vs non-married
    • quasi experiment - independent variable
      IV based on an existing difference between people
      no one has manipulated the variable is simply exists
    • quasi experiment - strengths 

      carried out under controlled conditions and therefore share the strengths of a lab experiment
    • quasi experiment - limitations 

      can't randomly allocate participants to conditions and therefore there may be confounding variables