Cultural variations

Cards (23)

  • What is the main purpose of studying attachment behaviors around the world?
    To determine if attachment is innate and biological or a result of nurture and culture
  • What is the most commonly used tool for measuring attachment behaviors?
    The Strange Situation
  • Why might the Strange Situation not provide an accurate idea of attachment behaviors worldwide?
    It may not account for cultural differences in attachment behaviors
  • Who conducted a meta-analysis on cultural variations in attachment styles?
    Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg
  • How many studies were included in the meta-analysis by Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg?
    32 studies
  • How many children were involved in the studies analyzed by Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg?
    1,990 children
  • What was the most common attachment style found in all nations studied?
    Secure attachment
  • What was the dominant style of insecure attachment found in Western cultures?
    Avoidant attachment
  • What was the dominant style of insecure attachment found in non-Western cultures?
    Resistant attachment
  • What does the finding that variation within cultures is 1.5 times greater than between cultures suggest?
    There are more differences in attachment styles within a single country than between different countries
  • What does the concept of universality in attachment suggest?
    Similar attachment behaviors would be found around the world
  • What percentage of securely attached children was found in West Germany?
  • What percentage of resistant attachment was found in Japan?
  • What do the findings about secure attachment suggest about infant-caregiver interactions?
    There may be universal characteristics in these interactions
  • What does the term "amae" refer to in Japanese culture?
    Emotional dependence or indulgent dependence
  • How do American and Japanese mothers differ in their interpretation of a child calling for them during naptime?
    American mothers see it as negative behavior, while Japanese mothers view it as positive
  • What is a strength of cross-cultural research into attachment?
    It uses the Strange Situation, which has high inter-rater reliability
  • What was the inter-rater reliability percentage found by Bick (2012) for the Strange Situation?
  • Why is the Strange Situation considered ethnocentric?
    It was designed based on American ideals of attachment behavior
  • What does the lack of population validity in Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg’s meta-analysis imply?
    It may not accurately represent attachment behaviors across all cultures
  • What did Mesman et al. (2020) find about child-rearing practices in the Gusii of rural Kenya?
    They expressed sensitive responding in more physical ways than verbal ways
  • What are the key findings of Van Ijzendoorn and Kroonenberg's meta-analysis on attachment styles?
    • Secure attachment is the most common style globally.
    • Western cultures show avoidant attachment as dominant insecure style.
    • Non-Western cultures show resistant attachment as dominant insecure style.
    • Variation within cultures is greater than between cultures.
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of using the Strange Situation in cross-cultural research?
    • High inter-rater reliability (94%).
    • Standardized and replicable research tool.

    • Ethnocentric design based on American ideals.
    • Lack of population validity with limited non-Western studies.