Maternal Deprivation

Cards (18)

  • What does maternal deprivation mean?
    It is when a bond formed with the mother is broken for a long period of time.
  • What are the likely effects of breaking the maternal bond during early childhood?
    It can have serious effects on the child's well-being.
  • What is the critical period for maternal deprivation according to Bowlby?
    Before the age of two and a half.
  • What types of effects can result from maternal deprivation?
    Intellectual, emotional, and social effects.
  • What are the specific effects of maternal deprivation as identified by Bowlby?
    • Internal working model: Trouble forming relationships and parenting.
    • Intellectual: Risk of low IQ and academic struggles.
    • Emotional: Risk of behavioral disorders and trouble with authority.
    • Affectionless psychopathy: Lack of remorse or guilt in behavior.
  • What did Bowlby believe about the permanence of the effects of maternal deprivation?
    He believed they would be permanent and irreversible.
  • What study did Bowlby base his theory on?
    The 44 thieves study.
  • What did Bowlby find in his study of the 44 thieves?
    86% of affectionless psychopaths had experienced early and prolonged separation from their mothers.
  • What percentage of the control group experienced early and prolonged separation?
    Only 4%.
  • What is required for a child according to Bowlby's theory?
    • A warm, intimate, and continuous relationship with their mother.
  • What distinction did Rutter (1976) claim Bowlby failed to make?
    He mixed up deprivation and privation.
  • What did Rutter suggest was the cause of problems in Bowlby's juvenile delinquents?
    He believed their problems were due to privation, not deprivation.
  • What did Hilda Lewis (1954) find in her study that contradicted Bowlby's findings?
    Prolonged separation from the mother did not predict criminality or relationship difficulties.
  • What other factors did Lewis suggest might cause behavioral problems?
    A mother's emotional instability and neglect or rejection tendencies.
  • What real-world applications have resulted from Bowlby's maternal deprivation hypothesis?
    • Changed hospital policies to allow parental visits.
    • Created spaces for parents to stay overnight with children.
    • Improved understanding of the importance of emotional care in hospitals.
  • How did Bowlby's research impact childrearing practices?
    It led to significant changes in how children were cared for in hospitals.
  • What was the emotional condition observed in children from Spitz's study?
    Anaclitic depression.
  • What did Bowlby conclude about the relationship between separation and affectionless psychopathy?
    He concluded that separation caused affectionless psychopathy.