Black Death

Cards (13)

  • When did the Black Death epidemic occur in England?
    Between 1348 and 1350
  • Where did the Black Death first arrive in England?
  • How was the Black Death primarily spread?
    By fleas living on rats
  • What were the three types of plague during the Black Death?
    Bubonic, septicemic, and pneumonic plague
  • What were the symptoms of bubonic plague?
    Bubos, fever, blisters, and death within a few days
  • What did medieval people believe caused the Black Death?
    God's punishment for sins, astrology, and miasma
  • How did medieval people attempt to treat the Black Death?
    They tried remedies like bloodletting, praying, and distancing themselves
  • Who was the king of England during the Black Death?
    King Edward III
  • What were the symptoms and characteristics of the three types of plague during the Black Death?
    Bubonic Plague:
    • Bubos, fever, blisters, death within days

    Septicemic Plague:
    • Bleeding, diarrhea, vomiting, blackened extremities

    Pneumonic Plague:
    • Coughing blood, chest pain, rapid death
  • What were the common beliefs about the causes of the Black Death?
    • Punishment from God
    • Astrology and unusual planetary movements
    • Miasma (bad smells)
    • Imbalance of humors
  • What were the responses of medieval people to the Black Death?
    • Running away or seeking pure air
    • Burning herbs and candles for purification
    • Flagellation for forgiveness
    • Isolation from others
  • How did the role of the church change during the Black Death?
    • Encouraged confession and forgiveness
    • Some priests spread the disease
    • Decline in respect for the church
  • What were the public health improvements in London post-Black Death?
    • Appointment of officials to check cleanliness
    • Rebuilding of latrines
    • Extension of water supply pipes
    • Formation of guilds for road repair