Living conditions

Cards (30)

  • How did the British economy change after 1950?
    There was less manual labor and more jobs in the service industry
  • What were the consequences of urbanization on the British population from 1900 to 2000?
    Increased population density and demands on the welfare state
  • What was the average working week for a worker in 1900?
    54 hours
  • How did leisure activities change by the end of the 20th century?
    People had more leisure time but were less active
  • How did the introduction of gas and electricity change housing after World War II?
    It reduced the need for coal storage and allowed for high-rise flats
  • What were the concerns about inactivity in the 1920s?
    People were not exercising enough
  • How did World War II affect people's activity levels?
    People were more active due to rationing and limited transportation
  • What was the impact of the introduction of the microwave oven on food consumption?
    It led to the popularity of convenient microwave meals
  • What were the fears regarding food safety in the 1990s?
    BSE and artificial ingredients raised concerns about modern farming methods
  • How did the Great Smog of December 1952 impact public health?
    It led to the death of 12,000 people in London
  • What was the main cause of pollution in the early 20th century?
    Smog from factories and industrial cities
  • What are the key changes in public health from 1900 to the present day?
    • Introduction of welfare state
    • Development of the NHS
    • Advances in science and technology
    • Changes in living conditions and lifestyles
    • Increased awareness of health issues
  • What does the body need sunlight for?
    To build up vitamin D
  • What alarming health issue was reported by doctors in 2014?
    An increase in rickets
  • What lifestyle factors contributed to the increase in rickets?
    Poor diets and sedentary lifestyles
  • What environmental issue has been a problem since 1900?
  • What caused pneumonia in the early 20th century industrial cities?
    Smog from factories
  • How many people died during the Great Smog of December 1952 in London?
    12,000 people
  • What health problems can diesel and petrol fumes create?
    Breathing issues, including worsening asthma
  • What measures were created in response to pollution from cars?
    Congestion zones and clean air zones
  • What was the impact of improved heating systems on coal usage?
    We rely less on coal today
  • When did lead-free fuels start being made?
    In the 1990s
  • What was the death toll from the serious smog in London in 1952?
    12,000 deaths
  • How much did car ownership increase in Britain between 1980 and 1990?
    By 25%
  • What warning was given to athletes training for the London Marathon?
    Not to go outside during certain weeks due to pollution levels
  • Why was action against smoking slow to develop?
    The government relied on tax revenue from cigarette sales
  • What is the "nanny state" concept in public health?
    It refers to government being overly involved in people's health choices
  • What is the purpose of the NHS website regarding BMI?
    To calculate how healthy you are
  • What is the minimum price introduced in Scotland for alcohol aimed at?
    To ensure alcohol is not too cheap to buy
  • What discussions have taken place regarding a sugar tax?
    To address obesity as a major cause of heart disease