
Cards (9)

  • What was the religious landscape in England in 1500?
    England was predominantly Catholic
  • What major religious change occurred by 1750?
    England became a Protestant country
  • What was a common belief about fruit during the early modern period?
    Some believed it caused obesity or the plague
  • What was the belief about the health benefits of bathing?
    People believed water had healing properties
  • What was the common belief about the effects of diet on health?
    People believed that diet significantly affected health
  • What was the common practice regarding food distribution during religious festivals?
    The rich would give food to the poor
  • How did the belief in the healing properties of water affect bathing practices?
    People bathed for health reasons, believing in water's healing properties
  • What was believed about water in terms of healing properties?
    People believed that water could sometimes have healing properties.
  • What was the public's perception of the plague during the early modern period?
    People lived in fear of the plague and believed it was a punishment from God.