assumptions about characteristics of an offender by a careful analysis of the offence they commit
What is modus operandi?
crime is not random, offenders have distinctive way they commit their crimes/criminal signature.
What is the top-down approach?
profilers created pre-exisiting categories of offender types, organised and disorganised offenders.
Own personal experience and intuition to fit the offender into one of these types. Using crime scene evidence.
Organised offenders
Plan their crime, prepare. Take care to tidy crime scene. Usually have higher than average iq
Disorga offenders
Don’t plan their crime scene. Leave mess at scene of crime. Doesn’t hide the body. Lower than average iq
Canter (2004) AO3
ReviewEd 100 us serial killers. Found disorganised characterI arcs were rare and didn’t form dostinct type. Suggesting false dichotomy between two types and organisation is typical in most serial killers
Snook (2007) AO3
Canadian major crime officers agreed that criminal profiling helps solve cases (94%) and is valuable investigative tool (88.2%). Suggesting detectives feel offender profiling is effective in helping with their work.