Descriptive Statistics

Cards (25)

  • What are descriptive statistics used for?
    To analyze quantitative data
  • What are the main components of descriptive statistics?
    • Measures of central tendency
    • Measures of dispersion
  • What do measures of central tendency provide to researchers?
    • An average of the data set
  • How many measures of central tendency are there?
  • What are the three measures of central tendency?
    Mean, median, and mode
  • How is the mean calculated?
    • Add all values in the data set
    • Divide the total by the number of values
  • What is a strength of the mean?
    It is the most sensitive measure of central tendency
  • What is a limitation of the mean?
    It can be easily distorted by extreme values
  • What is the median?
    The middle value in an ordered data set
  • How is the median determined if there is an even number of values?
    It is halfway between the two middle values
  • What is a limitation of the median?
    It is less sensitive than the mean
  • What is the mode?
    The value that is most common in a data set
  • What is a unique characteristic of the mode in some data sets?
    There may be two modes (bi-modal)
  • What is a limitation of the mode?
    It is not useful if all values in the data set are different
  • What do measures of dispersion indicate to researchers?
    • How spread out the data set is
  • How many measures of dispersion are there?
  • What are the two measures of dispersion?
    Range and standard deviation
  • How is the range calculated?
    • Difference between the highest and lowest value
    • Calculated by taking the lowest value from the highest value
  • What is a strength of the range?
    It is easy to calculate
  • What is a limitation of the range?
    It can be distorted by extreme values
  • What does the standard deviation indicate?
    • The spread of data around the mean
    • The average distance from the mean
  • What does a low standard deviation indicate?
    That the data is close to the mean
  • What does a high standard deviation indicate?
    That the data is spread out over a range of values
  • What is a strength of the standard deviation?
    It is the most sensitive measure of dispersion
  • What is a limitation of the standard deviation?
    It can be distorted by extreme values