Order of transmission of electrical activity through the heart P1
1) The sino- atrial node (SAN) initiates the action potential
2) the wave of excitation spreads rapidly across the walls of the right and left atrium
3) the atrial walls contract, increasing the pressure and forcing the atrioventricular valves to open
4)blood is pumped into the right and left ventricles in atrial systole
5)the wave passes to the AVN where there is a short delay to allow atrial systole to complete
6) the wave is conducted down the intraventricular septum on the right and left branches of the Bundle of His to the apex of the heart
7)the wave is conducted on the purkyne fibres which extend up the walls of the ventricles
8) the right and left ventricular walls contract, increasing pressure in these chambers which causes the AV valves to close and the semi-lunar valves to open