Team games involve periods of work and restthereforeinterval training is a very appropriate method of training for a team player.
Interval training can be altered to differentteam games by altering the timeworking and the timeresting
Interval training can also be altered by changing the intensity of the work and making it sportsspecific
Games are usually of a longduration and the aerobic system is used for low to moderateintensitywork including jogging into position and walkingbetweenphasesofplay
The aerobicsystem in activities such as football, hockey and basketball is used as part of the recovery
process from highintensityanaerobicwork
Most team players employ the anaerobicsystem throughout the game eg sprinting or dribbling in football
boredom may be prevented by altering or manipulating the demands on the anaerobic or aerobicsystem.
Not all team games require HITT as they are not used in a game situation eg volleyball setter