Multi store memory model

Cards (20)

  • What are the three separate stores in the multi-store memory model?
    Sensory register, short term memory, and long term memory
  • How is information transferred from one memory store to another in the multi-store memory model?
    Through processes like attention and rehearsal
  • What are the two main stores of the sensory register?
    • Iconic (visual)
    • Echoic (sound)
  • What is the duration of the sensory register?
    Less than half a second
  • What happens to most information in the sensory register?
    Very little goes into short term memory unless attention is paid
  • What is the capacity and duration of short term memory?
    Capacity is 7 ± 2 items, duration is 18-30 seconds
  • How is information coded in short term memory?
  • What technique can be used to maintain information in short term memory?
    Maintenance rehearsal by repeating the information
  • What is the role of rehearsal in transferring information to long term memory?
    If rehearsed long enough, information transfers to long term memory
  • What is the capacity and duration of long term memory?
    Unlimited capacity and duration
  • How is information coded in long term memory?
  • What is required to recall information from long term memory?
    It needs to be transferred back into short term memory
  • Which part of the brain is active during tasks in short term memory?
    The prefrontal cortex
  • Which part of the brain is active during tasks in long term memory?
    The hippocampus
  • What does the case of HM demonstrate about memory stores?
    • Operation on the hippocampus
    • Could not form new long term memories
    • Proves that memory stores are separate
  • What does the case of KF suggest about short term memory?
    • Patient had amnesia
    • Better recall when reading digits
    • Suggests STM is split into visual and acoustic parts
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of the multi-store memory model?
    • Research evidence
    • Simple to understand

    • Case of KF
    • Elaborative rehearsal needed for LTM
    • Doesn't explain flashbulb memories
    • Uses artificial materials
  • Why is elaborative rehearsal important for long term memory?
    It helps maintain information in long term memory
  • What is a limitation of the multi-store memory model regarding flashbulb memories?
    It doesn't explain how flashbulb memories go straight to long term memory
  • What type of materials are often used in research for the multi-store memory model?
    Artificial materials