AO1 - Psychology as a science

Cards (15)

  • The scientific method conducts experimental research to make a conclusion about behaviour. This can then be evaluated.
  • The different approaches in Psychology are known as paradigms.
  • Empirical evidence refers to data collected through direct observation or experiment.
  • Features of science developed by the biological and learning approach.
    • Falsifiable
    • Replicable
    • Objective
    • General Laws
    • Systematic
  • The experimental method is a scientific method that involves the manipulation of variables to determine cause and effect.
  • Falsifiable
    Evidence can be refuted ( proven wrong by new evidence)
  • Replicable
    Method can be easily repeated to achieve the same results.
  • Objective
    An unbiased view of the theory/approach
  • General Laws
    The research/ theory should provide general laws about psychology that can be used as a paradigm.
  • Systematic
    An objective, well - ordered method for close examination of an aspect of behaviour so as to get reliable data, unbiased by observers.
  • The scientific process involves formulating theories, generating hypotheses, and testing them through observations and experiments.
  • Wilhelm Wundt established the first Psychology lab in 1879.
  • The Humanistic approach rejects the scientific viewpoint and values subjective conscious experience.
  • The hypothetico-deductive model is a cyclic pattern of reasoning and observation used to generate and test proposed explanations.
  • The hypothetico-deductive model
    Observation --> Theory --> Testing --> Findings

    *after findings observations are made or the theory is modified and the cycle starts again