AP Human Geography / Vocabulary Week #11

Cards (25)

  • North America Free Trade Agreement
    An important trade agreement creating a huge zone of cooperation on trade and economic issues in North America.
  • Nunavut
    An Arctic territory in northern Canada.
  • NATO
    The first peacetime military alliance the United States entered into outside of the Western Hemisphere.
  • Organic Theory
    The idea that countries behave like organisms in that they seek nutrition to survive.
  • Perforated State
    A state that completely surrounds another state.
  • Primary Economic Activity
    Anything to do with the harvesting or mining of raw materials.
  • Prorupted State
    A state that has a primary body of territory that comprises most of the state, but that also has a long extension that can dramatically increase the territorial power and significance of the country.
  • Redistricting
    The process of redrawing the boundaries of electoral districts to reflect changes in population and ensure fair representation.
  • Rimland Theory
    A theory that suggests sea power is more valuable and that alliances will keep the heartland in check.
  • Secondary Economic Activity
    Areas of business concerned with the manufacturing or assembly of raw materials into products that can be sold on the mass-market.
  • Sovereignty
    The concept that a state has the supreme authority to govern itself and make decisions within its own borders without interference from other states or international organizations.
  • Spatial Devolution
    The splitting of a state due to the distance, remoteness, and marginal location away from the capital.
  • State Morphology
    The study of how the shape of a country can affect its culture, politics, economy, and overall well being.
  • Nation
    A group of people bound together by some sense of a common culture, ethnicity, language, shared history, and attachment to a homeland.
  • Nation-State
    A sovereign state whose citizens or subjects are relatively homogeneous in factors such as language or common descent.
  • What is the difference between a perforated state and a prorupted state?

    Perforated is around the main land while a prorupted state IS the main land.
  • Which countries are involved in the NAFTA?

    Mexico, Canada, and the US.
  • What is the difference between primary and secondary economic activity?

    Primary economic activity is strictly based off gaining raw materials. SECONDARY economic activity is centered around businesses that are using those raw materials for the market.
  • What makes a nation state different from a multi-nation state?

    A nation state is when a large group of homogeneous people all live in the same state. A multi-nation state is when multiple groups of homogeneous groups live in the same state; prime example is the US.
  • What does NATO stand for?

    North Atlantic Treaty Organization.
  • What does NAFTA stand for?

    North American Free Trade Agreement.
  • What is a reason why someone would consider redistricting BEFORE the census?
  • What is gerrymandering?

    The political manipulation of electoral district boundaries to advantage a party, group, or socioeconomic class within the constituency.
  • What is the difference between secondary and primary economic activity?

    Secondary is the producing the goods WITH the raw materials while primary is getting the raw materials.
  • In what kind of state would spatial devolution be an issue in?

    Unitary states.