Overt Unstructured Participant

Cards (16)

  • What is a practical advantage of overt unstructured participant observation?
    The researcher does not have to worry about the consequences of maintaining an observer role.
  • Why is it beneficial for a researcher to ask naïve questions in overt unstructured participant observation?
    It allows the researcher to gather information without raising suspicion.
  • Who was Barker studying in her research?
    Barker was studying the Moonies, a deviant religious group.
  • What advantage does overt participant observation provide regarding group activities?
    The researcher can avoid taking part in the group's activities.
  • What is a practical benefit of recording overt participant observation?
    It is much easier to record observations as notes can be taken openly.
  • How does overt participant observation reduce ethical problems?
    There is no deception, and informed consent can be obtained.
  • Who gained informed consent from the leaders of the Moonies?
    Barker gained informed consent from the leaders of the Moonies.
  • Why is overt participant observation more appropriate when researching schools?
    Because of the age and vulnerability of school children.
  • What is a theoretical disadvantage of overt unstructured participant observation?
    It may have low validity due to the Hawthorne effect.
  • What is the Hawthorne effect?
    It is when participants change their behavior because they know they are being observed.
  • How might teachers behave differently if they know they are being observed?
    Teachers may put on a show or alter their behavior.
  • How did X King attempt to minimize the Hawthorne effect?
    By remaining unobtrusive, such as hiding in classrooms.
  • What is a practical issue researchers may face in overt participant observation?
    Some groups may not consent to being studied.
  • What did Barker have to go through to be accepted by the group she studied?
    Barker went through three complex stages of observation.
  • What did Punch discover about the police officers he observed?
    They only let him see what they wanted him to see.
  • What ethical consideration must researchers keep in mind when studying schools?
    They must decide what to do with knowledge that could get pupils into trouble.