Media Glossary

Cards (20)

  • Active audience
    Audience that actively engage in selecting particular media products to consume and interpreting their meanings
  • Appeal
    The way in which products attract interests of an audience
    Example: through use of stars, familiar genre conventions
  • Audience categorisation
    Media producers group audiences to target products
    Example: by age, gender, ethnicity
  • Audience response
    How audiences react to media products
    Example: by accepting preferred meanings
  • Audience segmentation
    A target audience divided due to diversity of programmes and channels
    Makes it difficult for one programme to attract a large target audience
  • Audio
    How sound is used to create meaning
    Example: voice-over, dialogue, music
  • Brand identity
    Association the audience makes with a brand, reinforced by advertising campaigns and their placement
    Example: Nike swish
  • Camera angles
    Angle of a camera in relation to the subject
    Example: high angle shot suggests vulnerability
  • Camera shots
    Type of shot and framing in relation to the subject
    Example: close-up shot used to express emotion
  • Channel identity
    How a channel is made recognisable to audiences and different to other channels
    Examples: frequent similar presenters, genres, stars
  • Circulation
    Dissemination of media products to audiences
    Example: circulation of print products, broadcast of television programmes
  • Conventions
    What the audience expects to see in a particular media text
    Example: particular characters, iconography, narrative related to a genre
  • Convergence
    The merging of previously separate industries or platforms
    Example: mobile phones allow streaming music, viewing videos, phone others in one portable device
  • Cross-platform marketing
    Text that is distributed and exhibited across a range of media formats or platforms
    Example: films can be bought and streamed on channels, streaming services and the internet
  • Cultural capital
    Media tastes and preferences of an audience traditionally linked to social class/background
  • Demographic category
    Group in which consumers are placed according to age, sex, income, background
    Categories range from A to E
  • Discourse
    Topics, language and meanings behind them within them within a media text
    Example: lifestyle magazines revolve around body image and narcissism
  • Distribution
    The methods by which media products are delivered to audiences including marketing campaign
    Example: distribution of films are organised by release date and their promotion
  • Ethnocentric
    The belief in the superiority of one’s own ethnic group or culture
    Example: tabloid papers only tend to cover international stories if they can relate them specifically to their readers
  • Ethos
    Beliefs and values of media organisations
    Example: what a television channel believes in and what it sees as its role