several twin studies have suggested that heritability accounts for 50% of the variance in aggressive behaviours
Coccarro et al investigated the levels of aggression in MZ and DZ twins and found physical aggression concordance rates of 50% for MZ twins
researchers of adoptionstudies found that genes account for 41% of variance in aggression
the MAOA gene is associated with low serotonin activity which can lead to increased impulsivity, aggressiveness and violence
Rhee and Waldman used a meta-analysis to investigate levels of aggression in adopted children
MAOA-L variant has been linked to high levels of aggression
low levels of MAOA enzyme is caused by the MAOA-L variant gene
The MAOA gene regulates the production of monoamine oxidase A (an enzyme)
Brunner et al studied 28 male members of a dutch family who were repeatedly involved in aggressive, violent crimes and found they had MAOA-L variant gene and lowactivity of MAOA enzyme
Aggression can be explained by the disruption of MAOA gene and stress caused by experiences such as childhood trauma
Frazetto et al found that men without childhood trauma didn't have high levels of aggression even if they possessed the MAOA-L variant, compared to the men that did go through trauma
MAOA enzyme is used to break down or recycle neurotransmitters (including serotonin) in the synapse after a nerve impulse has been transmitted