learning theory- explanation for attachment

Cards (11)

  • What does learning theory propose about attachment?
    Attachment is a learned process brought about by classical and operant conditioning.
  • Why is learning theory sometimes referred to as the "cupboard love" approach?
    Because it suggests that children attach to the person who feeds them.
  • What are the key assumptions of learning theory regarding attachment?
    • Attachment is a learned process.
    • It is brought about by classical and operant conditioning
    • Children attach to the person who feeds them (cupboard love approach).
  • classical conditioning key assumptions for attachment
    • believes that attachment is a conditional response
    • classical conditioning is a form of association learning involving reflexive behaviour (discovered by Pavlov)
  • How does attachments form-classical conditioning
    • The association of food (UCS) that naturally causes comfort, paired with a neutral stimulus (the PCG)- after repeating the pairings
    • this leads to the PCG becoming a conditional stimulus (CS) that generates comfort (CR) even in the absence of food
    • the attachment is now in place
  • key assumptions- operant conditioning (OC) for attachments
    • OC is a form of learning that involves voluntary acts (OC is described by Skinner)
    • it believes that behaviours are influenced by the consequences of the act, if the consequence is good the action will be repeated
  • what’s a strength of the learning approach for attachment?
    elements of conditioning could be involved in attachment
    > conditioning could explain the acquisition of many behaviour patterns
    > may be an association between the caregiver and comfort - and social interactions can be what builds the attachment
  • what’s a strength of the learning theory of attachment?
    Hay and vespo
    > have applied social learning theory to understand attachment
    > they suggested that parents teach their children to love them
    > they said that children observe their parents affectionate behaviour and then imitate this
    > they also said that parents would deliberately instruct their child about how to behave in relationships + they would reward appropriate attachment behaviours (e.g. hugs and kisses)
  • what’s a limitation of the learning theory for attachment?
    counter evidence from animal research
    > lorenz- geese imprinted on lorenz before they were fed and maintained that attachment regardless of who fed them
    > harlow- baby monkeys cuddled soft cloth surrogate in preference to hard cloth surrogate (found comfort in soft cloth surrogate) regardless of which surrogate fed them
  • what’s a limitation of the learning theory for attachment?
    learning theory ignores other factors associated with forming attachments
    > the quality of attachments is associated with reciprocity and interactional synchrony
    > the best quality attachments is a result of sensitive responsiveness from carers, which is not a result of feeding. it’s a result of the PCG responding appropriately and constantly to baby signals
  • what’s a limitation of the learning theory of attachment?
    there’s a competing theory that’s better supported for the formation of attachments (bowlbys monotropic theory)