AP Lang - TSL Vocab

Cards (20)

  • What does the adjective "malicious" mean?
    Having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone
  • What are some synonyms for "malicious"?
    Malevolent, spiteful, hostile, vicious
  • How did the company's reputation suffer due to a malicious competitor?
    The competitor spread false information online to sabotage their business
  • What does the verb "append" mean?
    To add something as an attachment or supplement
  • What are some synonyms for "append"?
    Add, attach, affix, adjoin
  • In what context was the term "append" used in the article by Stephanie Lam?
    A correction to an earlier version of the article has been appended to the end
  • What does the adjective "inviolable" mean?
    Never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored
  • What are some synonyms for "inviolable"?
    Inalienable, unbreakable, absolute
  • How are the rights protected by the constitution described in relation to "inviolable"?
    They are described as inalienable and inviolable
  • What does the verb "remonstrate" mean?
    To present and urge reason in opposition
  • What are some synonyms for "remonstrate"?
    Demur, except, object, protest
  • What action did several neighbors take regarding the request for variance?
    They remonstrated against the request
  • What does the verb "betoken" mean?
    To typify beforehand; to give evidence of
  • What are some synonyms for "betoken"?
    Denote, indicate, point (to)
  • What does the book mentioned in the article betoken?
    An acceptance of ever-encroaching mortality
  • What are the key definitions and synonyms for the word "malicious"?
    • Definition: Having or showing a desire to cause harm to someone
    • Synonyms: Malevolent, spiteful, hostile, vicious
  • What are the key definitions and synonyms for the word "append"?
    • Definition: To add something as an attachment or supplement
    • Synonyms: Add, attach, affix, adjoin
  • What are the key definitions and synonyms for the word "inviolable"?
    • Definition: Never to be broken, infringed, or dishonored
    • Synonyms: Inalienable, unbreakable, absolute
  • What are the key definitions and synonyms for the word "remonstrate"?
    • Definition: To present and urge reason in opposition
    • Synonyms: Demur, except, object, protest
  • What are the key definitions and synonyms for the word "betoken"?
    • Definition: To typify beforehand; to give evidence of
    • Synonyms: Denote, indicate, point (to)