Delivery of Drugs through the Skin

Cards (7)

  • What is the role of the skin as a barrier?
    • Prevents loss of physiological fluids
    • Blocks diffusion of materials and microorganisms
    • Allows small, lipophilic molecules to pass
  • What is the role of the stratum corneum in drug delivery?
    It acts as a semi-permeable membrane allowing passive diffusion
  • What factors affect the diffusion rate of drugs through the skin?
    Drug concentration, aqueous solubility, and oil-water partition coefficient
  • How can skin permeability be altered?
    By compromising the integrity of the skin or using permeation enhancement techniques
  • What are the types of drug delivery vehicles for topical applications?
    • Solutions
    • Suspensions (lotions)
    • Semisolids (creams, ointments, gels)
    • Solids (patches)
  • What are ointments and how do they differ from creams?
    Ointments are viscous formulations with little or no water, while creams contain significant water
  • What are gels composed of?
    High molecular weight hydrophilic polymer dispersed in water