Cards (18)

  • Approach a real dog calmly, reassure it, apply a slip lead and remove it from the cage.

    Approach the cage calmly and quietly.
    Reassure dog gently.
    Crouch, don’t kneel in front of the cage.
    Open the door, blocking the entrance with your body.
    Slowly reach in and introduce yourself to the dog.
    Prepare the slip lead.
    Ease the slip lead over the dog’s head.
    Adjust slip lead to desired tightness. You should be able to easily fit two fingers between the dog and the slip lead.
    Coax the dog out of the cage and walk with the dog, not dragging it behind you.
  • How can you determine the sex of the dog?
    By identifying the external genitalia.
  • What should you do first when examining a dog?
    Run your hand over the dog and identify the external genitalia.
  • What is the first step in approaching a dog for examination?
    Approach the dog calmly and introduce yourself.
  • What should you identify if the dog is male?
    Whether or not it is neutered.
  • What should you ask an assistant to do when examining a dog?
    Hold the front end of the dog to avoid it moving.
  • How should you interact with the dog during the examination?
    Gently work your way along the dog's body, stroking and reassuring it.
  • What should you do to check for the presence of a penis?
    Gradually stroke the flanks and reach underneath the dog.
  • What should you do after stroking along the top of the dog?
    Move its tail to visualize either a scrotum or a vulva.
  • What should you do if a scrotum is present?
    Gently palpate it to determine whether testes are present.
  • What does the presence of testes indicate about the dog?
    Whether or not the dog is neutered.
  • Select an appropriate muzzle an put it on a model dog
    Select an appropriate sized muzzle for dog.
    Working from behind, hold the side straps and slip the muzzle over the nose. The longer part should be at the bottom, and the straps should run beneath the dog’s ears.
    Keep in the muzzle securely on the dog’s nose, clip the buckle and adjust by pulling the loose end.
    It should be possible to pass two fingers under the strap if done up correctly.
    To remove, undo buckle and pinch the straps, removing the muzzle. When applying a wide fit muzzle, secure the neck strap first, and then the head strap.
  • Identify sites for subcutaneous, intramuscular and intravenous injection

    • Quadriceps
    • Lumbar region (expaxial muscles)
    • Neck scruff
    • Cephalic vein
    • Saphenous vein
  • Replace a dog in a cage and remove its slip lead
    Keeping a firm hold on the lead, encourage the dog to enter the crate. A treat may be placed inside to encourage the dog further.
    crouch down and close the door half way so your body blocks the exit, keeping a firm hold of the lead.
    remove the slip lead, still blocking the door.
    Close the door and secure the latches.
  • Restrain a dog in a standing position
    Hold dogs flank closer to your body. Place one hand under the dogs next and onto the far side of its head, avoiding the eyes, gently pulling the head into your body.
    Place your other arm either under the dog’s abdomen or around the back of the dog, depending on its size.
    Hold the dog by cradling it towards yourself, so it is supported between your arms and body.
    Use the minimum amount of restraint necessary whilst ensuring the animals, yours and any colleagues safety.
  • Lift a small dog onto a table safely

    Crouch next to the dog‘s flank in a low squat, keeping your back straight.
    Place one hand under the dog‘s neck and onto the head.
    Pass your other arm under the dog’s abdomen, close to the hind-limbs, and place your hand on the far side of the flank.
    Hold the dog towards yourself, cradling it between your arms and body.
    Stand up slowly and carefully, keeping your back straight and pushing up through your legs.
    Place the dog onto the table, keeping a firm hold until it is able to support its own weight.
  • Restrain a dog for jugular venipuncture (for blood sampling) on and model dog
    Keep the dog close to your body.
    Elevate the nose with your fingers under its jaw and your thumb over its muzzle, gently as to allow to dog to have its mouth open.
    Gently turn the head towards your body and raise the head slightly.
  • Restrain a dog for cephalic venipuncture and raise the vein (in readiness for an intravenous injection) on a model dog

    Place one arm under the dogs chin, with your hand holding the back of the head. Wrap the other arm around the side of the chest, and hold the desired forelimb forward at the elbow.
    Press down gently at the crook of the leg to raise the cephalic vein.