
Cards (7)

  • whose frown,and wrinkled lip,and sneer of cold comand - what is the technique shown in cold comand 

    1. makes him seem callous and lacking of empathy 2. guttaral alliteration - it sounds like choking
  • whose frown,and wrinkled lip,and sneer of cold comand - what is the connotations of comand 

    comand - he is a dictator and a megalomaniac
  • whose frown,and wrinkled lip,and sneer of cold comand - what is the connotaions of sneer 

    sneer - he enjoys mocking people
  • whose frown,and wrinkled lip,and sneer of cold comand - what are the connotations of frown

    gives us pejoratives (negative connotations) and makes him seem hostile
  • whose frown,and wrinkled lip,and sneer of cold comand - what is structure in the quote that backs up our inferences 

    caesura (punctuation) - it makes the quote slower which gives us the impression like its the suffering of his people
  • of that colossal wreck boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away
  • of that colossal wreck boundless and bare the lone and level sands stretch far away - what is the technique with sands and stretched
    there is sibilance (alliteration with s) which gives us connotations of how peaceful it is with out Ozymandias there