The cells that maintain bone tissue by controlling the mineral and calcium content.
What are irregular bones and give examples?
Irregular bones are bones with complex shapes that do not fit into other bone classification categories. Examples include vertebrae and hip bones.
What are sesamoid bones and give examples?
Sesamoid bones are small, round bones embedded within tendons. Examples include the patella (kneecap) and the two small sesamoid bones under the first metatarsophalangeal joint of the foot.
What are flat bones and give examples?
Flat bones are bones that are thin, flat, and often curved. Examples include the skull bones, ribs, and sternum.
What are long bones and give examples?
Long bones are bones that are longer than they are wide, with a shaft and two ends. Examples include the femur, humerus, and tibia.
What are short bones and give examples?
Cube-shaped bones, examples include carpals and tarsals.
What is compact or dense tissue?
The hard, smooth layer that protects the tissue within.
What is spongy or cancellous tissue?
The porous, honeycombed material found inside most bones, which allows the bone to be strong yet lightweight.
What is bone marrow?
The jelly-like substance found inside the cavities of some bones (including the pelvis) that produces blood cells.
What is a joint?
A joint is any place in your body where two bones meet.