Religion, crime and punishment

Subdecks (1)

Cards (70)

  • Capital punishment
    Death penalty
  • Community service order
    UK punishment involving the criminal doing a set number of hours work in the community
  • Conscience
    An inner feeling or voice viewed as acting as a guide to the rightness or wrongness of one's behavior.
  • Corporal punishment
    Punishment that physically hurts the body, such as slapping, spanking, etc.
  • Crime
    An act against/breaking the law: can be against a person e.g. assault; against property (e.g. arson) or the state (e.g. terrorism)
  • Deterrence
    Aim of punishment, to put people off committing crimes (to deter them)
  • Reparation
    Aim of punishment, making up for, compensating
  • Duty
    A moral or legal obligation; a responsibility
  • Evil
    Something (or someone) considered morally wrong; wicked; often linked to the idea of the devil
  • Forgiveness
    Stopping blaming someone and/or pardoning them for what they have done wrong
  • Hate crime
    A crime motivated by prejudice, whether racial, sexual, or other prejudice, typically one involving violence.
  • Imprisonment
    Putting someone in prison or in jail as lawful punishment
  • Justice
    Fairness; rightfulness; equality under the law
  • Law
    Rules made by parliament and enforceable by the courts, with the aim of keeping us safe
  • Order
    Enforcement of rules e.g. by a police force
  • Parole
    The release of a prisoner temporarily (for a special purpose) or permanently before the completion of a sentence, on the promise of good behavior.
  • Probation order
    Punishment; monitoring of behaviour with the threat of greater punishment for offending again
  • Protection
    Aim of punishment, to keep people safe e.g. criminals are put in prison
  • Reformation
    Aim of punishment, helping the person to see how and why they should behave better
  • Retribution
    Aim of punishment, getting back at the person for what they have done, revenge
  • Victim
    The one against whom a crime is committed
  • Vindication
    Aim of punishment, the punishment exists because the law does
  • Young offenders
    Criminals under the age of 18.