After life

Cards (7)

  • akhira
    life after death, belief in this encourages muslims to be responsible for their actions and shows life on Earth is a test
  • after death the soul enters Barzakh (state of waiting for Judgement)
  • after death God sends 2 angels to question the soul, if answered correctly the soul sleeps if not the soul is tormented by angels - known as punishments of the grave
  • “For one who’s scales are heavy with good deeds, he will be in a pleasant life, for one whose scales are light, his refuge will be abyss”
  • predestination
    The belief that Allah has decided everything that will happen in the world
  • “Only what God has decreed will happen to us will happen.”
  • “God does not change the conditions of people for the worse unless they change what is in themselves”