Localisation of Function

Cards (11)

  • Cerebral cortex is the outer part of the brain
  • Frontal lobe - responsible for moving, personality and high level thinking
  • Parietal lobe - rsponsible for processing inforamtion from the senses
  • Occipital lobe - responsible for 3D vision, visual processing, and visual memory
  • Temporal lobe - responsible for hearing and auditory processing
  • Aphasia - someone unable to understand or produce speech
  • Broca’s aphasia - During a post portem he found that Patient Tan had large lesion in left frontal lobe that he named “Broca’s area”
  • AO3 for Broca - Dronkers et al found that’d other areas of patient Tan’s brain were also damage, holistic appproach
  • Supporting evidence - H.M had epilepsy, removed hippocampus in hope of curing it and then was unable to form any new long term memories
  • Supporting evidence - Phineas gage, rod impales his left frontal lobe, following this he became aggressive (created assumption that left frontal lobe affects personality)
  • AO3 - most supporting evidence is small scale studies which aren't generalisable to the general population