english lang unit 2

Cards (16)

  • What does the acronym TRIPE stand for in the context of speech functions?
    Transactional, Referential, Interactional, Phatic, Expressive
  • What are the five main functions of speech represented by the acronym TRIPE?
    • Transactional: Goal-oriented speech for achieving outcomes.
    • Referential: Conveying information or referring to facts.
    • Interactional: Building social relationships and maintaining bonds.
    • Phatic: Small talk for social connection rather than content.
    • Expressive: Expressing emotions, feelings, or attitudes.
  • What is the main focus of transactional speech?
    It focuses on getting something done or achieving a specific outcome.
  • Give an example of transactional speech.
    “Can I borrow your notes?”
  • What is the purpose of referential speech?
    To convey information, describe things, or refer to facts.
  • Provide an example of referential speech.
    “The exam is on Tuesday.”
  • What does interactional speech help to achieve?
    It helps to build social relationships and maintain bonds between people.
  • Give an example of interactional speech.
    “Good to see you!”
  • What is the main characteristic of phatic speech?
    It focuses on social connection rather than actual content or information.
  • Provide an example of phatic speech.
  • What is the purpose of expressive speech?
    To express emotions, feelings, or attitudes directly.
  • Give an example of expressive speech.
    “I’m so excited!”
  • Mode
    A way a verb can be applied to a subject in grammar, describing voice, tense, mood, and aspect.
  • Voice
    The verb's attitude towards the subject (active or passive).
  • Active Voice
    A type of voice where the subject performs the action.
  • Passive Voice
    A type of voice where the subject receives the action.