Behavioral approach

Cards (17)

  • What is the primary focus of behaviorists in psychology?
    Studying behavior that can be observed and measured
  • Why did Watson reject introspection in behaviorism?
    Because it involved vague and difficult-to-measure concepts
  • How do behaviorists view a baby's mind?
    As a 'blank slate'
  • What do behaviorists believe about the processes that govern learning?
    They are the same in all species
  • What are the two forms of learning identified by behaviorists?
    Classical conditioning and operant conditioning
  • What is classical conditioning according to Pavlov's research?
    • Learning through association
    • Example: Dogs learn to associate a bell (stimulus) with food (stimulus)
    • Results in a conditioned response (salivation)
  • What did Pavlov use to condition dogs in his experiment?
    A bell
  • What is the outcome of Pavlov's classical conditioning experiment?
    A neutral stimulus can elicit a new learned response
  • What is operant conditioning according to Skinner's research?
    • Learning through reinforcement
    • Behavior is shaped by consequences
    • Involves positive reinforcement, negative reinforcement, and punishment
  • What is positive reinforcement?
    Receiving a reward for a certain behavior
  • What is negative reinforcement?
    Removal of an unpleasant consequence
  • What is punishment in the context of operant conditioning?
    An unpleasant consequence of behavior
  • How do positive and negative reinforcements affect behavior?
    They increase the likelihood that behavior will be repeated
  • What effect does punishment have on behavior?
    It decreases the likelihood that behavior will be repeated
  • What is the Skinner box used for in operant conditioning research?
    • Contains a lever that releases food
    • Rats learn to press the lever for rewards (positive reinforcement)
    • Rats learn to avoid electric shocks (negative reinforcement)
  • What are the strengths of the behaviorist approach?
    • Real-world application
    • Applied to real-world behaviors and problems
    • Example: Treatment of phobias through classical conditioning
  • What are the limitations of the behaviorist approach?
    • Environmental determinism: ignores free will
    • Ethical/practical issues: stress on animals in studies
    • Limited generalizability to humans