The Psychodynamic Approach

    Cards (57)

    • Who is the psychologist most people can name, even if they haven't studied psychology?
      Sigmund Freud
    • What is the name of Freud's approach to psychology?
    • Why were Freud's theories influential despite being rejected by most psychologists today?
      They contributed to the development of later theories and approaches
    • What popular form of counseling did Freud develop?
    • What features does the Psych Boost app offer?
      • Flashcards
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      • Over 17 hours of exclusive exam tutorial videos
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    • What does the conscious mind include according to Freud?
      Ideas, decisions, and emotions
    • What is the preconscious mind?
      Thoughts and memories not currently conscious but can be brought to awareness
    • What is the largest part of the mind according to Freud?
      The unconscious mind
    • What is psychic determinism?
      The idea that the unconscious mind drives conscious behavior and shapes personality
    • What are the three parts of the mind according to Freud?
      Conscious mind, preconscious, and unconscious
    • What happens if a child becomes fixated at a psychosexual stage?
      It can alter their personality and lead to mental disorders
    • What are the five psychosexual stages proposed by Freud?
      1. Oral stage (0-1 years)
      2. Anal stage (1-3 years)
      3. Phallic stage (3-5 years)
      4. Latency stage (6-12 years)
      5. Genital stage (12 years and onward)
    • What is the focus of pleasure during the oral stage?
      The mouth, particularly during breastfeeding
    • What can result from strict potty training during the anal stage?
      Anal-retentive personality traits
    • What complex do boys experience during the phallic stage?
      The Oedipus complex
    • What is castration anxiety?
      A fear that the father will remove the boy's genitals
    • What do girls experience during the phallic stage according to Freud?
      Penis envy
    • What happens during the latency stage?
      Sexual energy is dispersed and early conflicts are repressed
    • What are defense mechanisms?
      Strategies used by the ego to manage conflicts between the ID and super ego
    • What is repression?
      Placing unpleasant memories into the unconscious mind
    • What is denial in the context of defense mechanisms?
      Refusing to accept the reality of a situation
    • What is displacement in the context of defense mechanisms?
      Shifting strong emotions from the source to a substitute target
    • Why do many psychologists reject Freud's theories today?
      They lack scientific credibility and are often based on subjective interpretations
    • What is the significance of Freud's focus on early childhood experience?
      It was groundbreaking and influenced later psychological theories
    • What is the criticism regarding the falsifiability of Freud's theories?
      Many of his theories cannot be tested or proven wrong
    • What are some practical applications of psychodynamics?
      • Psychoanalysis as a form of talking therapy
      • Understanding defense mechanisms in behavior
      • Exploring early childhood experiences in therapy
    • What is the conclusion of the meta-analysis by Dmats regarding psychoanalytic therapy?
      It supports the effectiveness of long-term psychoanalytic therapy
    • What is the role of the ego in psychodynamics?
      To mediate between the demands of the ID and the super ego
    • How does Freud explain criminal behavior?
      Due to an overdeveloped, underdeveloped, or deviant super ego
    • What is the significance of the iceberg metaphor in Freud's theory?
      It illustrates the small fraction of thoughts we are aware of compared to the unconscious mind
    • What is the role of the super ego?
      To impose moral standards and cause feelings of guilt
    • What happens if the super ego is too weak?
      It may lead to criminal behavior
    • What happens if the super ego is too strong?
      The individual may commit crimes to justify extreme guilt
    • What is the relationship between early childhood experiences and personality development according to Freud?
      Early experiences shape personality and can lead to fixation
    • What is the role of libido in Freud's psychosexual stages?
      It moves around the body and is linked to pleasure from different body parts
    • How does Freud's theory of psychosexual stages relate to adult neuroses?
      Unresolved conflicts during stages can lead to neuroses in adulthood
    • What is the significance of the oral stage in personality development?
      It teaches delayed gratification and control over the environment
    • What is the impact of fixation at the anal stage?
      It can result in an overly organized and fussy personality
    • What does Freud suggest about the relationship between the ID and super ego?
      They often conflict, requiring the ego to mediate