We have better understanding of the discipline when we recognise the Subjectivity of the research process.
Information gathered from experience, observation and experimentation
Information gathered is freefrombias
The systematicstudy of a topic in order to finds answers to questions
Is Psychology a science? (what evidence can we provide for the questions we ask and the answers we give)
According to the BPS: Psychology is the scientificstudy of humanmind and behaviour: how we think,feel, act and interactindividually and in groups
Key challenges in Psychology:
Much of what we are interested in is unobservable, E.g. Personality, motives, emotions and attitudes (to overcome we make predictions and test them)
Is it possible to examinehuman behaviour without subjectivity (recognise the subjectivity and then reducebias)
Psychology is a very diverse discipline (some subfields are morebound in scientificmethods that others)
BPS states:
Psychology is a science and psychologists study human mind and behaviour by observing, measuring and testing, then arriving at conclusions that are rooted in sound scientificmethodology
Science vs Pseudoscience
Psychology is vulnerable to pseudoscientificclaims as many have an inherentinterest in understandinghumanbehaviour
A claim, belief or practise which is presented as scientific, but does notadhere to a validscientificmethod, lackssupportingevidence or plausibility, cannot be reliablytested, or otherwise lacksscientific status
How is Pseudoscience characterised?
The use of vague, contradictory, exaggerated or un-testableclaims
What are pseudoscience beliefs based on?
Prejudice, speculation or just simply misinformation. Unless we have evidence, from goodquality research, we cannot make any reliable claims for or against these statments
Examples of Pseudoscientific claims:
Phenology- personality is determined by bumps on your head
Polygraph test- detect lies from truth
MMR vaccines- the belief that receiving the MMR vaccine increase you chance of developing autism
Conversion therapy- electric shocks to genitals in reaction to homophobic stimuli to change sexuality
History of Psychology as a science:
Psychoanalysis movement
Behaviourist movement
Cognitive movement
Emergence of Cognitive Neuroscience
Psychoanalysis movement:
Based on introspection
used clinical case studies based on therapeuticinterviews with his patients to generate data and then theories.
His theories about human nature came from close observation of his patients and led to an enormousbody of work, which still influences the discipline today.
What criticism did Psychoanalytic movement face?
Not being scientific at all
Subjective bias
Lack of concrete, testable ideas
Over reliance on single case studies
Behaviourist movement:
Believed you can't make any inferences of what happens insidethemind
It a "black box"
Can only study directlyobservablebehaviour
Cognitive movement:
Don't need direct observation
Can study innerworkings of the mind
Can make predictions and subject them to empiricaltesting
Can inferemotions and attitudes (just need to make testable predictions)
Cognitive neuroscience movement:
Observation of the innerworkings of the mind
We can peerinside the brain and directlyobserve what's happening when thinking and feeling
How is the scientific method applied?
Hypothetico-Deductive Method
Process by which scientists decide on the basis of multipleobservations or experiments that a theory is true or not
Through a finite number of observations we generate a generalconclusion for all such future observations
E.g. If there's a red sky at night it means the next day will be a glorious day
However, how can a finite number of observationsguarantee what will happen in the future
E.g. There could be a red sky at night, but then the next day is awful
This leads to Falsifiability
What is falsifiability?
The principle that we need to subject theories to scrutiny in order to prove/disprove them so that they can be scientific.
We collect evidence for our theory, if evidence contradicts our theory, we formulate an alternative, if it supports our theory we regard it as an undefeated theory
"Undefeated" as it's not a statement of truth, it's not proven until all possible instances and outcomes have been observed
Means we have the capacity to learnfromourmistakes and say that evidence doesn't fit which leads to the theory being refined, re-worked and tested again.
What is Bayesianism?
The likelihood of futureevents can be expressed on the basis ofpast knowledge.
helps us determine the degree of confidence we have in ourbeliefs
You revise probabilitypredictions when faced with evidence in support or against our theory
Provides a measure of a state of knowledge
Key principle of statistics
Bayesians= beliefs come in degrees
Can't say it arrives at a truth but can say we have this amount of confidence in the theory being correct
e.g. of Bayesianism
Prior belief: it's not going to rain 30% chance of rain,
New evidence: you go out and seestormclouds making rain seem more likely
Posterior belief: with the clouds coming in your belief of the chance ofrain coming in updates to 70%
As you gather new evidence, you can update your degree ofconfidence (posterior probability). If the new evidence stronglysupports your belief, your confidence increases. Vice versa
What is the Hypothetico-Deductive Method?
Starts with an Observation or Intuition-identify a behaviour
Generate a theory that has certain assumptions about this phenomenon
Generate a testablehypothesis
Subject hypothesis to empirical testing and find evidence
If results support the hypothesis the theory is upheld asundefeated, with an estimate of confidence
If results don't support hypothesis you refine or abandon theory
Observable= Something you cansee and record,doesn't tell you why something is happening or under what conditions it will be observed
Testable= Structured process of examining a cause-and-effect relationship
Observations give rise to a testablehypothesis
What does the hypothetic-deductive method begin with in this example?