Methodological crisis in which the results of studies were notreproducible when tested again
Affects many scientificdisciplines
Bem (2011) published that showed evidence for 'Extrasensory Perception', lots of media coverage, provided evidence that the future could influence the present, used a standard psychological paradigm, published in a good journal, standardisedstat methods
Science appeared broken
What effect did the replication crisis have?
Pressure on academics to publish in top journals
Pressure to produce new and excitingresults as this meant you had a higherchance of being in top journals
Led to lots of false positives
Needs to be lessfocus on end goals
Open science
Refers to a set of researchpractices designed to overcomelimitations that previous scientific methodologies has presented to us:
In order to asses this, we need researchpractices and data to be transparent and accessible
If we have the samedata and perform the sameanalysis, do we get the same results? (samedata, re-dostats test)
If we repeat the experiment with the samemethods do we get the sameresults? (new data, new participants)
Principles of open science:
Open access
Open data, Materials and Code
Reproducible Analyses
Replication Research
Teaching Open Science
Open Access
Refers to unrestrictedpublic access to research. Typically used in reference to publishedjournalarticles but anything but anything can be made open access- student work, materials, code and data.
Accumulation of knowledge
Increased citation of work
More media coverage
Support meta-research practice (meta-analysis)
Open data, Materials and Code
APA require researchers to be willing and able to make data available with editors for 5 years after publication. They share Data, Protocols and Code for Experiments and Analysis
Verification- results can be checked in order to minimiseerrors and biases
Analytic reproducibility- checking which steps were taken to prepare and analyse the data
Reproducible Analyses
Need to provide materials to enableothers to generate the exactsameresults as those reported, adequatedocumentation needs to be kept.
Good Principles:
Provide clearannotations of what documents are
Store original data files separately
Record all steps of data processing
Use open source software where possible
Researchers are encouraged to submitplans for the specific research questions that they wish to address and the analyses they will conduct prior to data collection.
Confirmatory research- focuses on confirming hypotheses or research questions
Exploratory research- focuses on generating hypotheses or research questions
Pre-registration promotes purely confirmatory research and reduces the risks of falsepositive results
Replication Research
The process of repeating research to verify findings.
Enables confidence in results and helps to buildtheories.
Direct replication- reproduce the elements that produced the original findings (an attempt to reproduce a previous result with the same procedure) assess whether similar findings are produced in subsequent attempts
Conceptual replications- change at least one aspect f the original procedure (an attempt to reproduce a result using a different methodology) assess whether similar findings are produced under different conditions
Teaching Open Science
There is a need to teach the principles of open science
Promotes best practice
Increases the critical evaluation of research
Increasingly being taught at undergraduate level and several teaching resources are made openlyavailable to promote this process