Cards (12)

    • What was the replication crisis?
      • Methodological crisis in which the results of studies were not reproducible when tested again
      • Affects many scientific disciplines
      • Bem (2011) published that showed evidence for 'Extrasensory Perception', lots of media coverage, provided evidence that the future could influence the present, used a standard psychological paradigm, published in a good journal, standardised stat methods
      • Science appeared broken
    • What effect did the replication crisis have?
      • Pressure on academics to publish in top journals
      • Pressure to produce new and exciting results as this meant you had a higher chance of being in top journals
      • Led to lots of false positives
      • Needs to be less focus on end goals
    • Open science
      Refers to a set of research practices designed to overcome limitations that previous scientific methodologies has presented to us:
      • Reproducibility
      • Replicability
      In order to asses this, we need research practices and data to be transparent and accessible
    • Reproducibility
      If we have the same data and perform the same analysis, do we get the same results? (same data, re-do stats test)
    • Replicability
      If we repeat the experiment with the same methods do we get the same results? (new data, new participants)
    • Principles of open science:
      • Open access
      • Open data, Materials and Code
      • Reproducible Analyses
      • Preregistration
      • Replication Research
      • Teaching Open Science
    • Open Access
      Refers to unrestricted public access to research. Typically used in reference to published journal articles but anything but anything can be made open access- student work, materials, code and data.
      • Accumulation of knowledge
      • Increased citation of work
      • More media coverage
      • Support meta-research practice (meta-analysis)
    • Open data, Materials and Code
      APA require researchers to be willing and able to make data available with editors for 5 years after publication. They share Data, Protocols and Code for Experiments and Analysis
      • Verification- results can be checked in order to minimise errors and biases
      • Analytic reproducibility- checking which steps were taken to prepare and analyse the data
    • Reproducible Analyses
      Need to provide materials to enable others to generate the exact same results as those reported, adequate documentation needs to be kept.
      Good Principles:
      • Provide clear annotations of what documents are
      • Store original data files separately
      • Record all steps of data processing
      • Use open source software where possible
    • Preregistration
      Researchers are encouraged to submit plans for the specific research questions that they wish to address and the analyses they will conduct prior to data collection.
      • Confirmatory research- focuses on confirming hypotheses or research questions
      • Exploratory research- focuses on generating hypotheses or research questions
      Pre-registration promotes purely confirmatory research and reduces the risks of false positive results
    • Replication Research
      The process of repeating research to verify findings.
      Enables confidence in results and helps to build theories.
      • Direct replication- reproduce the elements that produced the original findings (an attempt to reproduce a previous result with the same procedure) assess whether similar findings are produced in subsequent attempts
      • Conceptual replications- change at least one aspect f the original procedure (an attempt to reproduce a result using a different methodology) assess whether similar findings are produced under different conditions
    • Teaching Open Science
      There is a need to teach the principles of open science
      • Promotes best practice
      • Increases the critical evaluation of research
      Increasingly being taught at undergraduate level and several teaching resources are made openly available to promote this process