"This is my body, which is foryou. Do this in remembrance of me" (Bible)
What is the quote about praying in your room?
"When you pray, go into yourroom and close the door, and your father who sees what you do in private will reward you." (Bible)
What is the quote about baptising disciples?
"Go and makedisciples of all nations, baptising them in the name of the Father of the Son and of the Holy Spirit.." (Bible)
what does it mean when a person is worshipping?
indicating the worth, value or highregard they believe God has
How can a believer worship?
Prayer talking with god, meditating, singing humns, preaching, going on a pilgrimage.
what is liturgical worship?
having a set pattern
certain services and readings following a calendar of the year
the priest/vicar will be the main leader
order of the service should remain in tradition
who typically worships liturgically?
Roman Catholics, Orthodox church and Anglican church
clear form of liturgical worship
what is non-liturgical worship
not set pattern
not controlled by calendar
no predictable readings unless major festival
church leadershares leading services
who worships non-liturgically
clear form of non liturgical worship
holy communion
types of non-liturgical worship by Quakers
informal worship just done by Quakers - 'waiting on the spirit' - could be reading, saying a prayer or sharing an experience
non-liturgical worship by Pentecosts
charismatic worship - lead by holy spirit and involves spontaneousactions eg clapping, dancing, tongues etc
what is a sacrament for Catholics Anglicans and Protestants,
outward sign of inward grace
what counts as a Sacrament
rites or rituals that have set words, actions or objects for a specific grace at a certaintime in life.
what do Orthodox Christians and Roman Catholics believe about sacraments
7 sacraments
Holy Orders
Anointing the sick
Who do Anglicans believe about sacraments
2 sacraments
what do baptists believe about sacraments
They do not accept sacraments are biblical but do accept that Jsus instructedbaptism and the eucharist
These are not sacraments, just what Jesus ordered
what do Quakers and Salvation Army believe about Sacraments
do notaccept at all
Which denominations believe in infant baptism?
Roman catholics
Anglican Christians
Why do these denominations believe infant baptism is a good idea
Removesoriginalsin ASAP
The child has entered the church ASAP
Believed to bring special gifts of the holy spirit, wisdom + courage
Which denominations don't believe in infant baptism?
Baptists and Pentecostals
What do Baptists and Pentecostals believe about baptism
that baptismdoesn't have its own built-in power to give Gods saving grace, BUT it is a conversion of life which God's grace brings about in them which saves them.
Why do Baptists and Pentecostals believe believers baptist is a good idea?
follows Jesus'example who was baptised as adult (30)
to make a commitment to Jesus must involve some understanding
Bible often explicitly refers to baptism of adults
what does going in the water and rising from it symbolise in believer's baptism
going into the tomb with Jesus and resurrecting with jesus
what does a clam shell symbolise in infant's baptism
its the symbol of a pilgrim, symbolising the beginning of the infant'spilgrimage back to God in Heaven.
4 types of worship?
prayer is private informal worship which can be both liturgical and non liturgical
beliefs about the Eucharist?
catholics - transubstantiation
reenactment of the last supper - symbols
baptists - symbols to bring communitytogether (non-alcoholic wine)
Orthodox - Jesus is mystically in bread and wine
CofE- bread and wine holds spiritual presence of Jesus but is not him
What do catholics believe about eucharist ?
What do some christians believe the eucharist?
it is a reenactment of the lastsupper - bread and wine are symbols of Jesus'death
What do baptists believe about the bread and wine in eucharist?
symbols used to bring communitytogether - non-alcoholic wine and bread is passed from person to person
What do orthodox christians believe about bread and wine?
Jesus is mysticallypresent in it
What do CofE believe about bread and wine?
holds the spiritualpresence of Jesus' blood and body but does notbecome it