Hemispheric Lateralisation

Cards (18)

  • Hemispheric lateralisation is the theory that functions are controlled by one side of the brain
  • Which side of the brain controls the right side of the body?
    Left hemisphere
  • What does the right hemisphere control?
    Left side of the body and visual-motor skills
  • What is meant by contralateral organization?
    Different hemispheres control the opposite sides of the body
  • What is aphasia?
    Someone who is no longer able to understand or comprehend speech
  • Which hemisphere are Broca's and Wernicke's areas lateralized to?
    Left hemisphere
  • Who conducted split-brain research?
    Sperry and Gazzaniga
  • What was the purpose of Sperry's 1968 research?
    To study the effects of cutting the corpus callosum on brain function
  • What happens when an image is flashed to the left visual field of a split-brain patient?
    The right hemisphere cannot communicate what it saw
  • What was the first task participants had to perform in Sperry's study?
    Describe what they saw from either the left or right visual field
  • What was the outcome when a picture was presented to the right visual field?
    The participant could communicate what they saw
  • What was the outcome when a picture was presented to the left visual field?
    The participant was unable to communicate what they saw
  • In the tactile test, what could participants do with their right hand?
    Describe the object they felt
  • What was the outcome for the left hand in the tactile test?
    The participant could not describe the object
  • What task involved drawing in Sperry's study?
    Participants had to draw what they saw from either visual field
  • What was a notable finding regarding the left visual field in the drawing task?
    Participants could draw what they saw but not communicate
  • What was a notable finding regarding the right visual field in the drawing task?
    Participants could not draw what they saw
  • What are the strengths and weaknesses of Sperry's split-brain research?
    • Highly scientific controlled lab experiment
    • Standardized procedure

    • Small sample size limits generalizability
    • Variability in the extent of corpus callosum cut
    • Contradictory findings regarding brain plasticity